A Second Chance

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Narrator POV

As Decker passed on a better life he finally had what he wanted is peace but due to some unfortunate circumstances he can't go on. As Decker opened his eyes to be in a void.

Decker: where am I?

???: in my domain *snap his fingers*

Decker is now in front of a Sakura tree as he looks around

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Decker is now in front of a Sakura tree as he looks around

Decker: show yourself

Decker: show yourself

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???: hello

Decker: who are you

???: call me DK and you are here because due to your suffering and crimes against humans. I'm afraid that I can't let you have peace

Decker: I know I wasn't going to be abolished from all of my sins. So what now

DK: But I seen you have suffered a lot and I want to make sure you can redeem yourself to become a better person.

Decker: how I am supposed to do that?

DK: I'm not sure that's where you have to figure it out but I'm sure that when you get to your new world you will do an amazing job because you are a proud warrior with honor and integrity. I'm sure that you will be able to chance for the better.

Decker: why are you doing this?

DK: everyone earned a second chance to change the past.

Decker: I see well so tell me about this new world.

DK: well this new world where powers called Quirks began to be developed. When a baby in China began to glow in a white light. Since then people have began to get powers some combine with others and became stronger. Some started using their quirk for evil and some people rise up to become heroes to stop them. As a hero is now a profession in this world.

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