Trauma Strikes

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Sunday 18th August 2024 -

Reki's phone buzzes from under his pillow he shuffles around gently grasping his phone and lazily sitting up. Checking the time, it's 8:34 Am and the buzz was a notification from his mother, he was confused as she could've just walked into his room instead of messaging. He clicks on the message that read 'Reki dear, come to the living room. It's important.'.

Reki tiredly steps from off of his bed and walks towards his bedroom door, touching the copper door handle that he never remembers being that cold, Reki begins to get an eery feeling in his chest with each step he takes towards the living room.

When he reaches the living room he scans it, only finding his mother and sister Koyomi, worried that it might be such a serious topic that not even the twins could be in the room to hear, and he was right.

He plopped down onto the living room couch, staring at his mom hazily, the silence was spine-chilling, so he spoke up. With a groggy voice he spoke "what is it?.. mom did something bad happen?"

His mother was looking down unable to bring herself to look at both him and his sister, Koyomi glanced at Reki in fear. Koyomi stood up from off the couch and walked over to their mother's, wrapping her arms around her. This make their mom burst into quiet tears that ran hurriedly down her face.

Reki stood up instantly rushing over to console his mother, at the same time giving Koyomi confused looks. He spoke up again, more awake now "mom.. why are you crying?" Through sniffles and tears his mom pulled away from their embrace and picked up her phone l, turning it on and showing them the message sent by the work agency that their father had recently transferred to. Their father has been doing work across the seas within new agency, reki's mother had received calls from the police early it the morning to tell her that her husband had passed, the death is still unknown although it has to do with a malfunction in one of the machinery that he was using at his new job. The agency had also messaged to inform her right after she had received the call.

Reki stood in frozen reading the texts, as panic hit his chest, he began breathing heavily, his chest hurt, he clutched his heart as tears began to welt in his eyes, koyomi was already crying streams of sadness, hugging tightly into her mom. They slowly looked over at Reki, knowing that Reki had always been closest with his dad, taking any opportunity to spend time with him. They all cried but their was something different in the way Reki was crying, like a ton of bricks had landed on his chest, ... Reki couldn't breathe, he stared at his crying mother, and panicked even more he was was trying to breathe but nothing was coming in nor out, he was stuck. His sister noticed that he had begun to grow slightly blue in the face

His mother rushed to grab her phone shaking as she dialed the emergency number requesting paramedics as her son wasn't breathing. The paramedics reached round and, 4 came in total. Reki was ruched into a stretcher and was guided to keep trying to breathe by one of the paramedics. His eye sight went foggy and he was loaded into the ambulance, 2 staying in the ambulance to go to the hospital with him and 2 paramedics staying back to find out the cause. Upon hearing that the father had died and that was the event that triggered reki, they nodded and thanked the family, reassuring them and then exiting the home to tend back to the hospital.

Wednesday 21th August 2024 -

Reki had been released from the hospital the day after the incident (19th) but was invited back for some small checkups.

Reki and his family were crowded around him in his hospital room, reki had told them to keep quiet about this and not tell his friends, especially Langa. Reki was give the greenlight to leave the hospital but just to be careful and do breathing exercises whenever he felt overwhelmed. They returned home that day. The vibe different then ever, sure Koyomi and her mom were sad about the passing but they had never seen Reki react to any thing like this.

Reki's face was like stone, no emotions. When Reki had entered his house, he rushed straight to his room and lay flat on his bed, getting a notification and flinching. He never wanted to hear the sound of a notification ever again. He opened his phone to see 14 missed messages from Langa, all asking why he wasn't answering and if he wanted to go to 's' tonight, Reki muted all of his notifications and switched off his phone. Resorting to venting in his sadness diary, that he wrote in whenever he was sad.

Hours later it is now 4:12pm, he shuffled from off his bed and out of his room, grasping onto his skateboard and leaving the house without a word, Reki skated anywhere and everywhere. Wanting nothing to do with the life that he was delt. Small tears ran down his face and his eyes were closed as he skated, suddenly he crashed into someone, his skateboard going flying as he flung his eyes open.

"Miya?" He looked at Miya before quickly wiping away his tears and standing up to offer a hand to Miya

"Sorry about that" said Reki quietly, Miya looked at him suspiciously "are you crying?" Questions Miya "W-what no! I was just skating" Reki blurts out. "Where's Langa?" Miya looks around confused, Reki and Langa always skate together. "I don't know, and I don't care" Reki says in a hurry, Turing around searching for where his skateboard went. Miya followed after Reki "did you two get into another fight?" Reki look at Miya, a clear puffiness to Reki eye's "no stop assuming stuff" he finds his skateboard and turns to Miya, staring awkwardly before skating away.

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