An introduction

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Some people say Hope is the first step to dissapoint, I rather think that it's a nice thing, although it's naive and childish most times. It's still something I wish for people to have, to experience. Something which would help them get through any upsetting, or otherwise dreadful situation. But you can have any opinion, after all, it's just a word. Words don't have much meaning. To me, anyways. To our main charecter, they will soon.

Hello, I'm your narrator, my name is "Andrea", you'll figure out who I am later. I'm here to guide you through this story, so just bear with me, and I'll explain everything.

September 10th 2009.

The rain was heavy, the wind harsh, and overall the entire day was dark and cold. And there was a girl with oak wooded colored hair sitting at her desk. She was cold herself. Because the electricity was out, in most places in town.

When she looked out of the window, she saw tree leaves shake, and people shiver. She herself was shivering.

But she felt that there was something more important than the temperature. She was still trying to figure something out. It didn't matter if it was a cold, or hot day, rainy or sunny, misty or clear. She was still at that desk.

Her father would probably be at work.
The girls name was Lily. And she'd be lying if she said that maybe was a bit obssesed over something she shouldn't even be trying to figure out. People grieve in different ways, I'm sure you know this.

Even if you, the reader, haven't anyone you cherish die, you've atleast seen how other people deal with it. Some break down, some cry, some stay quiet and do not show what their feeling, some rant, some seek comfort- it's a long list.

Lily, did some of those. At first, she was more so in disbelief, than anything. She was shocked, and confused, she didn't think she was hearing things right. But that'd be silly, she had perfect hearing. Then, she'd been sad. She'd breaken down. And cried, and huddled herself up in the arms of someone she loved.

Then, came anger, that might be where she was stuck. She was reslly angry. She didn't see why she had to deal with this all. She shouldn't. She didn't deserve it.

Everyone in town, they tried to help, and they did mean well. It didn't work though. They all said they missed her Mother too, and they knew what she going through. But they didn't know. They hadn't lost a mom. Well, she didnt know that for sure. But they hadn't lost her mom. As a citizen, friend, cousin or wife, maybe. But not as a mom.

They couldn't get it. She didn't belive they could. There was no way.

So here she was, at her desk, with a lamp on. The light almost seemed warm enough to distract from the creaking chair when she moved, or the cold air.

But she just did as she always did. She wrote down, that was her thing. She wrote alot. She'd started 2 years ago, when she'd found her moms old journal. Lily was constantly trying to figure out some way to find the journal again. Maybe if she re read it, it would all make sense.

Everyone kept trying to hide it. But she wasn't stupid. Not as much as everyone in town thought. She knew why a nite had been thrown into a fire out of anger. Lily had managed to snatch a little piece before everything burned, and she ducktaped it to her desk.

It had been a piece of her mother's suicide note. And that confused Lily most. Why had her mother killed herself? She'd always been generally happy, to the eyes of most. Why would she? Didn't she even stop to think how selfish it was?

Didn't she feel bad for leaving her daughter and husband behind?

Lily just kept on writing. She'd broken a few pencils at the start, from writing to harshly on the paper. She was doing it less frequently now though. Which had to count for something, right?

But in anycase, the piece of paper taped to her desk wrote:

"I'm s##ry. I won't be he#e an# longer, but it's not ### #####. Let ## go-"

The hash tags were the pieces scorched by the fire before Lily could grab the paper. And then it cut off.

Lily knew if she could just find her mother's diary it would make sense. But almost all her mothers things had been donated. And no one even knew where her mothers diary was.

It was hidden. Really well it seemed, since not even the cops could find it. Lily had no clue what her mom was trying to hide so badly that she needed to keep it locked up.

It must've been something serious. Or her mother had been paranoid.

Either could've worked. Her mother was a coward sometimes. And too organised. It was a bit weird. Lily had never liked the way that even though everything seemed to be perfectly in place, she could never find what she really wanted.

It was around 1 am. Who knows where her dad was now. Maybe he was getting drunk? She hoped not. She could never understand him then. He always said weird stuff and it confused her.

She was getting tired herself. So she stood up from her chair, the chair made a creaking noise at the sound, a loud one. She then turned the lamp on her desk off, and took it to her bedside table, then she turned it back on.

Maybe it was a bit pathetic for a girl of 16 years of age to be scared of the dark. But still, it's not like anyone would know.

How could they? Its not like there were cameras in her house. Outside, yes, but never inside. And Lily guarded the fact that she had a nightlight on while she slept with her life.

She didn't wanna imagine what her classmates would say. Though everyone's been weird lately. Not weird am in eeary way, okay, kinda like in a eeary way. But they'd been really nice.

Half of them out of pity. And the other half because their parents had told them not to tease. Lily really got sick of people's pity. But it did let her get away with alot. She didn't think that getting away with trouble was worth it since the price had been her mother.

Soon, her eyes closed, shut, and she was so tired from all the thinking and writing she'd done, that she feel asleep quickly. Still feeling the comfort of her lamps light burn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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