Chapter 28

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Warnings: Violence, Sexual Assault (sorta)

The moon was high in the sky as I made my way to the bar, praying that Fumiko would not be mad at me. The frigid air stung my cheeks, but the reason for them being pink was something completely different. I kept recalling the events that happened not too long ago, bringing embarrassment and giddiness in their wake.

I looked around, admiring all the beautiful lights. People started going home, mainly families since it was past midnight. A few feet in front of me, people were clearing their stands, so I sidestepped for them to walk by, causing me to run into someone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I held onto the girl's arm, making sure she didn’t fall.

She lifted her head up and her brown eyes met mine. Saying I was surprised would be an understatement. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Long, voluminous hair draped over her shoulders, framing her slender face. Someone so pretty would be recognizable; It made it even more obvious that she wasn’t from here.

“Hi, you’re L/N right?” her voice was deeper than I imagined but it added a certain charm to her.

I let go of her arm once I knew she could stand on her own, “Yeah, how’d you know?”

“I’m Youmu Mochizuki. I saw your performance earlier and I thought you were pretty cool,” she gave me a small smile.

I bowed my head, “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Mochizuki. You’re not from here, are you?”

She bowed back, “No. I live nearby, but we’re moving here soon. I decided to come a bit early for the festival.”

I looked around and saw that we were alone, the closest people were farther down the street. Dammit, I needed to meet up with my friends soon, but I couldn’t leave her. I knew all the dangers that came with the night. Non-human ones as well. “Do you mind if I take you to where you’re staying? It’s not safe for you to be out here alone this late.”

Youmu giggled, “I wouldn’t mind, I don’t think you’re the type to kidnap me. Now follow me.” She turned around and I started walking with her. She seemed sweet, about my age, maybe younger. She would get along with Fumiko, they seemed to match each other's energy.

We finally made it to a popular inn in the center of the town; a bit near to the bar, which was fortunate. “Goodnight Mochizuki, I’ll see you around,” I bowed before turning around to leave.

“Same to you Y/N,” and she walked inside.

I sped walked to the bar, dodging people as they headed home. When I finally made it inside, Fumiko jumped from her seat. “You’re finally here! I had to convince these two not to down the whole bottle and they did it anyways,” she walked me over to the table.

“Says the one who caved in after Sabito took a shot,” Tomioka had his arms crossed. He turned his gaze towards me, “She’s on her third and Sabito is only on his second.”

I sat in the inside of the booth, across from the boys and next to Fumiko. We were seated at a table for four at the corner of the establishment. There was a wrap-around bar in the middle with more bottles than I could count. I was surprised that the group was able to snag a table since it was crowded to the brim here.

“And you?” I replied to Tomioka.

“I was waiting for you.”

There were those stupid butterflies that made me feel guilty with every flutter.

I grabbed the bottle and poured two shots, “Well I’m here now so…” I handed one of the small cups to Giyuu and he swallowed it with no hesitation. I cringed at the way he was so nonchalant about the burning sensation.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now