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───Hayami─── he called. ───Can I put a photo here?

He shows her a photo frame with a picture of him smiling alongside another girl, who wasn’t her but the person he had been with before meeting her.

───Of course you can, why not?─── she nodded with a smile.

Inside, she was slightly bothered that he chose to display a photo of his past love on the table in their new home, but she understood. Before her, she was his girlfriend, his first love, the love of his life, and life had snatched her away. He had accepted that she was going to leave, and even now, he still cherished and remembered her with a smile, as one of his favorite stars.

Hayami finished unpacking a box and put the last items away in the living room cabinet. They both settled down on the sofa to rest. He let out a long sigh; the move had been a headache, but they were finally done with it.

───Hee─── she adjusted her body to face him, resting her head on his arm over the back of the sofa.

───Mh?─── he nodded, turning his head in her direction.

───I know this might be a very out-of-place question, but I can’t help it─── she raised her voice, unsure whether to ask or not ───If she didn’t have that illness, do you think… agh, never mind, it’s ridiculously stupid when I think about it.

───You want to know if we would still meet and fall in love again?─── he understood what she was trying to say and nodded. ───Probably. Those who are destined to meet and join together will, so the chance that I would fall in love with you again even if she were here is high.

───I-I’m going to take a shower─── she stood up, hiding her face in her hands, and went to the main bathroom.

Even after so many years together, Hayami still wasn’t used to the compliments or words that moved her heart, feeling as if she was meeting him for the first time. Meanwhile, Heeseung still found it endearing that she blushed so easily even now; he thought it was a trait that defined her.

Two years had passed, and they had finally finished their studies and moved into a larger house in Seoul, leaving behind her previous home. Heeseung had left his island life behind to start anew, returning to his hometown. Their relationship was much more stable now that the long wait was over, fulfilling the promises they had made to each other.

𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now