As a result, Baam tried to drag Khun into bed by force. The latter no longer had the strength to fight back, and his mind told him that he needed to rest. Because of their mess, the whole house was on its ears, but no one except Kroko, naturally, dared to be more than watching such an unusual scene.
- Mr. Khun, please lie down.
- Stop it, Baam, I already said: it's all right!
- If you don't go to bed, I will have no choice, so I will spend money on your treatment.
- But I'm not ill!
- Your temperature says the opposite.
Baam managed to put Khun to bed. And the observers dispersed, because they understood what was happening and what was causing such fuss.
- And what are you going to do with me now? - The blue-haired man asked, smiling his devilish smile.
- Mr. Kuhn... Please get some sleep...
- Are you really going to make me sleep? In what way?
25th didn't really have an answer to this question. How can he do it? His thoughts traveled far into the past. When he was still outside the Tower gates. Rachel...
- Hey, why aren't you sleeping?
- I don't want to.
Goldilocks turned full-face to him.
- Just because it's always dark in here doesn't mean you don't need to sleep.
- I don't want to.
- Once upon a time there was a man who really wanted to climb to the stars. Day after day he built a tower, the people from the village did not believe that he would succeed and ridiculed his love in every possible way...
- Did Lyell tell you that?
- How did you find it out, Mr. Khun?
How tired he was of rolling his eyes every time and imperceptibly biting his tongue, so he won't be able to say too much, at the mention of this girl. Why is Baam so obsessed with her? How can he not see that she is ready to do everything to get rid of him, and I am ready to do everything to make him happy? Why does he keep rushing between friends and... and... And love? That's probably what it's called. I will never understand this feeling - the surname speaks for itself, because the first rule of the Khun family is "don't trust anyone." And I trusted, trusted the 25th Night.