Brownies (1)

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" You have to be kidding me " I sigh to myself.

Honestly, I did miss the boys when they were on tour but, now that they are back home, all they do is make noise and a mess and it was extremely annoying. The noise coming Sam's room was really getting on my nerves.

I get out of my bed and walk over to Sam's bedroom door. I began to slam my fist into the door unnecessarily hard, waiting for someone to answer it.

" What you want, sis " Sam said clearly annoyed with my presence.

Why is he annoyed, I should be the one who's annoyed considering him and the boys were making so much noise.

" I want you and the guys to stop being so being so fucking loud " I crossed my arms over my chest.

" Why " He glared at me.

" Because I'm trying to sleep" I lied

" At 2:00 pm, I think not" he quickly slammed the door in my face.

This bitch.

I was beyond pissed now but, instead of kicking down Sam's down and murdering everyone inside the room, I decided to make brownies.


I stood in front of the oven, basically drooling at the brownies' beauty. I had just put them in oven and I had about thirty minutes until they were done, so I deciding to take a shower.


I put my undergarments on then, Nike shorts and a superman short sleeve shirt. As I was drying my curly afro, I heard someone yell " I smell brownies".
Which meant someone was after my babies. Seconds later, I heard the guys run down the stairs.

Theres no way they are touching MY brownies, I thought to my self as I basically flew down the stairs.

" PUT THE FUCKING KNIFE DOWN, GILINSKY" I screamed at jack who was seconds away from cutting my brownies.

All the boys looked completely caught off guard.

" You should be thanking us, because we stopped them from burning." jack g said.

" I was about to come and get them anyways" I said as pushed past them all picking up the tray of brownies with an oven mit and grabbing a fork.

" You are a true fatass if you eat all those brownies by yourself" skate said, clearly judging my current life choices.

" Then I guess I'm a fatass" I said as I quickly jogged up the stairs into my room.

It's been about four hours since the boys THOUGHT they could steal me food and I was currently laying down watching orange is the new black on Netflix. My tray of brownies was half gone and I wasn't ashamed. There was a sudden knock on the door.

" Come in" I saw Gilinsky's head appear in the doorway.

"All the boys fell asleep and I was bored and wondering if I could have some of the brownies"


I'm so excited for this book!!

Btw I wrote this at 1 am and my grandma just walked into my room ( at 1 am ) shook her head disapprovingly and then left.

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