3. Roommates Masturbate

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I'd been living at collage for almost six weeks and everything was going well enough. My roommate Sophie was friendly and considerate. She wasn't one to make a lot of noise and always kept her half of the room neat and tidy. There was just one problem with Sophie. She was studying to be an engineer and she took her studies very seriously.

"Well that's not so bad, nothing wrong with a person being motivated to achieve a goal." I know that's what you're thinking.

But let me tell you, it most certainly is a problem!

"Why?" I hear you ask.

I'll tell you why. It's been six weeks and I haven't had more than an hour to myself here! Not once!

Our study timetables are very similar, there's generally only ever about half an hour difference between the end of my classes and the end of hers on any given day. Sophie doesn't socialise or go to parties. She doesn't play any sports, she's not part of any clubs. She finishes class and comes home. Then she either studies, reads a book, plays the keyboard or watches television. Now like I said before, none of these things are an issue, we both enjoy the same television shows and she's always very quiet and considerate.

The problem is I'm so goddamn desperate to MASTURBATE and this bitch is clit blocking me at every turn!

I know you probably think I'm exaggerating. "Surely she goes to the shops occasionally or out to a café." Which of course she does, the only problem is I don't know when she's going to do this. We've only known each other for six weeks. I can't go asking for a detailed copy of her weekly schedule without looking like a weirdo.

Which means if I get home before her my only option is to strum my bean like there's no tomorrow. It really takes the fun out of rubbing one out when you spend the whole time wondering if she's about to walk through the door. I can't use my vibrator as it's way too loud and she's already almost caught me going to town with my hand twice.

The first time was two weeks in, before I realised she was such a recluse. She hadn't turned up half an hour after her class was scheduled to finish, so I figured she must have gone out somewhere.

I was sitting on my bed, sans panties with a porn tab open on my laptop and an ear bud in one ear. Thankfully I'd kept the other ear empty as a precaution because just as I was getting warmed up I heard her key in the lock.

I slammed the lid of the laptop shut in a panic and quickly pulled the skirt of my dress back down, thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't removed it completely.

Sophie had given me a funny look as she came through the door. I couldn't blame her I would have been pretty suspicious if I had walked in and found her sitting in bed, red faced with her laptop on her lap.

The second time had been even worse. Four weeks in she had told me that she was heading home to see her folks for the weekend. I'd nearly given a 'woop' of delight when she told me.

So come Friday afternoon I arrived home after hockey practice to find our room empty. I did a little dance of joy. I pulled the sheets back on my bed and quickly stripped the clothes from my body. I grabbed my fully charged vibrator and a bottle of lube from my top drawer and reclined comfortably on my bed.

I grabbed my phone out and immediately pulled up the page of my favourite erotic author. He goes by the moniker Tales_of_tea. You should really check it out, I hear that guys going places. Anyway, I digress. Things had just started to heat up in the story and I had my vibrator in my hand. I was just about to hit the go switch when I heard someone trying to open the door.

Well let me tell you I've never moved so fast in my life. I lent over and swept my clothes up off the floor and then whipped the covers across my body, covering me, my vibrator, lube and clothes all in one motion.

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