Sage's Guide to Earth-0218

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São Quesada

A futuristic city set in the year of 2062 with an abundance of overgrown flora split into four suburbs with a largely Latin American and Caribbean population. 

Lunea: Made purely for tourists, with the safest and prettiest flora there is to offer. I don't like it. Mostly because São Quesada has a poverty problem yet all the government does is make sure the tourists have whatever they could want.

King's Crossing: The nickname given to the suburb by the locals around seventy years ago. King's Crossing, though, is where all the rich people of São Quesada live. Everything about it screams 'I earn six figures.'

Everglades/The Glades: The markets, closer to the Jungle than Eden. It's the best part of São Quesada in my opinion. It's got food, clothes and entertainment. Festivals are held there. Some are significant, others are just because we can.

Eden: The poorer part of São Quesada. It's where most of the overgrown plants coexist with the people, and despite the fact that it is where the working-class live it is luxurious in its own way and definitely worth the visit.

Notes: the reason for the overgrown flora is because the Earth was dying and the government decided to plant an abundance of plants all over the place, São Quesada being one of the cities that got hit the hardest; most of the flora are unique colours like blues, pinks, purples, and greens with black highlights.

The Villains

Doctor Nikolas Lazlo. 38. He/Him. 6'2. The head biochemist for a science company called Khaos, created for making society a better place but along the way their views became twisted. While on his third all-nighter he accidentally created the spider that bit Sage and when he realised his cross-breeding experiment worked he decided to try and replicate it. But time after time, he kept failing and couldn't understand why. He ended up getting fired by Khaos and strived to get Sage back; so he could punish him for ruining his life and create more hybrids using Sage's DNA. (My universe's Doctor Connors, without all the lizardy bullshit).

(Notes: he ended up capturing Sage, mixing his DNA with a lizard's then made a clone of him from scratch; he's made his own suit made from nanotechnology so he can fight Sage by himself; )

Sylvia Moreau. 23. She/Her. 5'10. A spiteful woman who has been put through complete shit by the world. Her plan is to get back at all the people that wronged her, no matter what she has to do.

Sebastian Meyers/Yellowjacket. 26. He/Him. 6'3. A mutant from Doctor Lazlo's labs. He was one of Doctor Lazlo's failed experiments, created entirely because of Sage. He ended up being an incomplete mutant due to Sage not giving himself up to Lazlo and now relies on weekly injections that Lazlo gives him to survive. He now has no idea how long he'll survive for so he's going to spend however long he's got hunting down Sage and getting revenge.

(Notes: Sebastian has a toxin that he secretes from his skin that he bottles up in these vials and makes them two times powerful, when injected with the toxin victims will hallucinate for a minimum of 3 hours; )

Scarlet O'Neil/Kingfisher. 18. She/Her. 5'8. As a young girl, Scarlet constantly got told she would never make it in the tech world so she always strived to prove people otherwise. When she was eighteen her parents died because Sage (as Orb-Weaver) couldn't save them and she wanted to get revenge so she decided to use her tech for evil, creating a metal suit designed after a kingfisher and a whole arsenal of weapons. She was actually encouraged by Sage out of his Orb-Weaver persona. She said she wanted to prove to everyone she wasn't someone to be messed with and he agreed with her, not knowing she was talking about killing him. (My universe's Vulture. Kinda).

Joaquin Ortiz/Toxin. 22. He/Him. 6'4. A symbiotic pair with a screwed up sense of moral. Joaquin grew up in a fucked-up family where there was no such thing as right and wrong and Toxin is an alien with no knowledge of human customs so together their morals are skewed and the good they think they're doing is actually bad. (My universe's Venom).

(Notes: Toxin has a strange obsession with Sage so he will level whole cities if it means Sage will come and see him; Joaquin and Toxin are more in charge of dealing with criminals rather than villains; )

Bazile/Subject CX-9. "17." They/Them. 6'0. Sage's clone, made entirely to kill him. They represent the feral side of Sage's controlled powers. Their abilities are the embodiment of the questions the public constantly ask: is Orb-Weaver really strong enough to control himself? What if one day his powers go against him? Bazile's powers are more out of control than Sage's which does them well in short battles but in the long run? They're useless because they succumb to their animalistic instincts all too easily.

(Notes: Bazile has more lizard-like characteristics while Sage has more spider-like characteristics which is the only noticeable difference between the two other than their golden eyes, which Sage does not have; )

Silas Aceves. 41. He/Him. 6'4. The crime boss that practically runs São Quesada. His territory covers Eden and Lunea and that's where he does his drug dealing business (I'm talking meth, cocaine, heroine, LSD; the works). He's not quite as powerful as my villains but he's just as bad. He'll kill children with no remorse. And I feel bad for Javier, honestly.

Arias Vasquez/Viper. 18. He/Him. 6'6. He became a spider-person when he was bitten by the back-up radioactive spider Khaos made as an insurance policy, just in case Doctor Lazlo's experiment didn't work. After firing Doctor Lazlo, Arias' mother- a co-founder of Khaos -decided to go ahead and let her son get bitten by the spider. He gained typical spider-man abilities as well as acidic saliva and snake-like characteristics. When Khaos caught wind of Sage as Orb-Weaver they sent Arias after him with one objective: bring him back, dead or alive.

Doctor Vincent Altman/Caiman. 36. He/Him. 6'6. One of the biochemists at Khaos that got turned into a lab-rat for Lazlo's cross-breeding experiments. He got infused with crocodile DNA and became the villain known as Caiman. Altman does not want to hurt Sage as he knows it's not his fault but he has trouble controlling himself when he can't keep his crocodile DNA in check and that leads him on rampages where he destroys the whole city.

The Golden Jackals. A gang of young troublemakers made up of fifteen young adults and led by a man named Casimir Alzamirano and his three half-brothers (Caetano, Salazar, and Vitali). Though the methods they use are wrong, the Jackals are only here to help the people of São Quesada. They kill rapists, paedophiles, corrupt cops, drug dealers (that sell meth, cocaine and heroin), murderers and steal from Silas' corporations as well as other criminals. (Cas is like the Black Cat of my universe, except he flirts with my brother, not me). 

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