In Case; Kass

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I was lying on my back  the long grass scratching my arms, the air was slightly chilly and it was already dark by 8:30pm indicating the end of summer. My car was parked by the field, and lying mere inches from me hand in hand wasn't boyfriend Casey, the love of my life, my best friend, the only person I could truely convide in. He knew what it was like to be feel insecure or unworthy all the time, As a sibling, as a  child, as a student, in really anything.  We understood one another on a deep level. We were each other's first everything.  we even have the same name.  my name also being kasey but with a k.
his presence feels safe to me in this moment. We're both looking at the stars splayed out  across the black inky sky as he whispers and points out the pictures and stories he sees in the stars to me like he does  Every time we come out here, and I feel my imagination run wild. My eyes are burning, threatening to shut. My body responding to his voice like my own personal lullaby. I tell him we should leave before we both fall asleep out here and worry our parents.

My mom for one has been worrisome more than usual after the accident, same with Casey's parents. -So he tells me- He still can't drive due to his leg injury, so I drive, I was in  better  condition then he was after the accident and healed faster , so I basically brung him every where now. After dropping him at his house
I arrive home and I see my mom is sitting at the kitchen table cup of tea in hand. "oh good you're home. It's past  curfew kass.." "I had to drop Casey home I forgot to text you, I'm Sorry." "I know" she replied " I saw your location. I just- you were taking a bit long." "Oh yeah" "We went to the field you know? long drive and all. " "And don't worry we just looked at the stars, nothing unholy." I joke amused at her the look of horror etched on her face. Or concern? I don't know? I brush it off feeling sleepy. "I'm going to bed now Goodnight" "Honey?" "Yeah mom?" "I love you" "I love you too" I smile.

When I open my bedroom door I find Casey on my bed. he must've came through the window but it's closed now. "Casey!" I grab my chest at the fright. "Seriously?" "I just brought you home."
  "You wouldn't have agreed for me to come over if I had just asked  kass "my parents blah blah, you should rest." he mimics me as he lays back laughing. "You shouldn't be walking so much with your leg." I say "see? Exactly my point he smiles. "I'm fine Kass, walking helps." He pays the empty side next to him, I change in to my pajamas and lie in bed against him, my heart beat slowing down mimicking his and before I know it  I'm asleep. When I wake up the next morning he's gone.

I head down stairs and pour myself some coffee, My older sister Elise is eating some toast and eggs and  she smiles at me when she takes notice of my presence "want to go out today?" She asks " we can Watch that new horror movie?"  "Uhh um I have plans with Casey."  Her smile drops  and she tries to cover it up with an another smile and I start to feel bad "you can come." I quickly add "How about just us girls?" "just today?" She pleads. I give in and call Casey to tell him that I'll see him later. "I'm spending the day with Elise." He doesn't like texting anymore says that it's better to call. He likes to say "everything we have to say to each other is an  important gift, and we should hear each other say it." "No problem kass I'll see you tonight" I smile "I love you Casey." "I love you more kass." Then I hang up. Elise and I have such a fun day. We go to the mall and watch that horror film and then we eat Chinese food after that. We even have a sleepover in her bedroom for old time sakes, with candy and board games.  I fall asleep next to my sister with a bitter sweet feeling in my chest. I missed this.

The next morning when I go to my room Casey is on my swinging chair reading one of my books, waiting for me.  "oh shoot!" I'm so sorry I forgot about seeing you  last night." "it's ok I figured you were still busy " he gives me a reassuring smile as he puts down the book.  "look" I start "I know  you don't want to empose or whatever because of the  the accident but I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind seeing you again and having you come through the door like a normal person."  I say smiling "have you talked to them about it?"he asks  "Well no they don't ask many questions anymore, they're trying to give me space, but they've been really understanding."  "It's fine kass I want it to be just you and me for now."  And then he kisses me and it feels different these days,  it's like walking through a cloud. All hazy and foggy not all there. When it used to feel like floating on one.

One week later we're walking around  town hand in hand when we pass the towns sign "hold on Casey we're going too far let's go back-""cmon let's keep going kass it's so quiet out here I like it."  "I could've brung the car and we could've gone to the field." "Kass it's different out here it's like the border between our town is abandon. It feels eerie but in a good way"  he's right, there  are no people. less cars, and more woods, but then as  we walk farther down that's when I see it.  A speed reminder sign stuck on a pole. But it's what's below it that knocks the wind out of me. There are flowers, fake ones and real ones. There are candles some lit some not. There are so many pictures. Some Framed, some not, some taped onto the pole, all Pictures of Casey, and his lucky  basketball sits next to a big wooden cross. Right at this moment a car speeds by, my eyes go blind for a second  by the headlights and I'm back to the night of the accident.

"Two late teens. One female one male." Dispatch over." *sirens* and more *sirens* my eyes flicker open my head is ringing I touch the back of it and feel the sluggish warm sensation of the crimson substance. My breathing is hitched and I look to the my left at the drivers seat where he should be but he's Not there. Next thing I know I'm being brung out onto a stretcher, then I see another stretcher not far from mine but it recipient is covered in a long black bag... I can't even form any words before my panic drags me down and I'm lost falling down a long black void trying to swim back to the surface and then

I'm back I find myself shaking on the floor next to the vigil. Casey's no where in sight, it's just me now and I hear sobbing. maybe he's still here? I look around frantically and I feel my chest heaving, my hair plastered to my forehead from sweat, and then I realize that I'm the one sobbing as hot salty tears stream down my face on to my lips. I'm screaming now and throwing the candles, the flowers, the picture frames."No! No! no! Casey?!" Casey! "Casey! Where are you!?"

another car slows down next to me and my parents and Elsie run out the car. It all happenes so fast. they embrace me as I kick and scream, then the ambulance comes and Im before I know it I'm back in the hospital. again, and without Casey.

"He's gone isn't he?" were the first words I asked when I woke from my sedated sleep. It wasn't really a question,I knew the answer. My mom was beside me her hand tightly grappled in mine. "I know baby, I know." I wanted to sob as all the memories of that drunken drive after the end of school year party came to mind. A reckless decision to drive drunk. but I couldn't muster more tears. He was gone but I could still hear his voice in my head telling me to "stay strong." Telling me he loves me, telling me "goodbye." Letting me know that I'll be ok.

And it is that, that keeps me sane. I take a sip of the the orange juice placed next to my bed as my sister and dad walk in with gifts. "Il be okay." I say and they all smile as my older sister hands me a balloon that says "get well soon." I inhale exhale slowly and then smile slightly "I'll be ok."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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