The perfect girl

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The student with the good grades, the friendly, helpful and sporty girl who is there for everyone when they need something and much more. You would think that she would have a hard time, on the contrary she manages everything and smiles so warmly, but her teacher sees the real pain in her eyes. 

She hates people and yet she would never say anything, she listens to them and helps them, putting herself at the back and doing everything possible for these people who hurt her. This girl learned to pretend and hide her true feelings, it took strength every day and still she functioned for the others, but inside she is doubting and her facade is crumbling.

She can no longer cope and no longer functions, she doubts herself even more. She's not perfect and she never was, she was just perfect at hiding. But then a teacher came into her life and changed everything.But let's get to the beginning of my story...

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