The letter

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For a huge thank you, I decided to write Mr. Hunter a letter. When I found the right words, I sat down one evening and just started writing and wrote everything I had always wanted to say to him. It was a really emotional moment for me.

I thanked him for everything, told him that he was a great role model for me and that his way of teaching inspired me to become a teacher myself. When the letter was ready, I had to wait for the perfect moment to give it to him.

And it was Tuesday, I had a long school day and I knew he was off at half past two. So I went to the coffee machine during free period and decided to give Mr. Hunter the letter only when the moment was right.

He came down the stairs alone a little later and headed towards the conference room. At that moment, I wondered for a moment whether I should do it. Then I thought, if not now, then when?

So I shouted after him and asked if he had a few minutes for me. He stopped and said: "Of course, what's wrong?" I tried to find the right words and then just said that I had something and that I wanted to say thank you and had written a letter. He didn't quite know how to react at first. But then he asked me whether he should read it now or be afraid of what it said. I confirmed to him that it was something very positive and that he should just read it in peace. Mr. Hunter thanked me again and I could tell that he was very happy because his face was beaming.

For the next few days, I was scared every time I saw Mr. Hunter because I didn't know what he thought of the letter. As luck would have it, I had him at training on Friday because our teacher was ill and after training I sat in the gym for a while. Suddenly, Mr. Hunter said that he was very happy about my letter and my heart opened so much. It felt really good to know that he was happy. We chatted briefly and then I said goodbye and wished him a good weekend.

Afterwards, I remembered that he didn't confirm whether he didn't mind if I came to him when something was wrong. He told me that it wasn't a problem at all and that it had been agreed with me and that I really could always come. I thanked him and was relieved to go into the weekend.

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