chapter 1 after Graduation

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Five years had passed since Kiyotaka Ayanokoji and Suzune Horikita graduated at the top of Class A from the Advanced Nurturing High School. Those years had been transformative, filled with challenges and triumphs that neither of them could have anticipated. But through it all, they had remained steadfastly together, growing closer with each passing day.

Their home was a testament to their shared journey—a beautiful, modern house nestled in a quiet, upscale neighborhood. It was spacious but not ostentatious, reflecting both Kiyotaka's minimalist tastes and Suzune's preference for elegance and simplicity. The walls were adorned with subtle decorations, a few framed photos of their time at school, and moments from their travels. The house was more than just a place to live; it was a sanctuary where they had built their life together.

It was a late Saturday morning, and Kiyotaka was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Despite his vast wealth, which had only grown after his father's imprisonment and the subsequent control he had gained over the Ayanokoji estate, Kiyotaka preferred a simple life. He had chosen to be a stay-at-home husband, a role he had surprisingly come to enjoy. Suzune, on the other hand, had pursued a career in corporate law, quickly rising through the ranks thanks to her relentless drive and sharp mind.

As he whisked eggs in a bowl, Kiyotaka's thoughts drifted to their recent conversations. Lately, they had been talking more and more about their future—specifically, the possibility of starting a family. It was a topic that had initially surprised him; Suzune had always been fiercely focused on her career, and he hadn't been sure if she would want to have children. But as they had discussed it, Kiyotaka had seen a different side of her, one that was softer and more vulnerable.

The sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up to see Suzune entering the kitchen, her hair slightly tousled from sleep. She was dressed in a simple robe, and there was a relaxed air about her that he loved seeing on the weekends when work wasn't at the forefront of her mind.

"Good morning," Kiyotaka greeted her, setting the bowl of eggs aside to focus on her.

"Good morning," Suzune replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She walked over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before glancing at the breakfast he was preparing. "You're spoiling me again."

Kiyotaka chuckled softly. "I enjoy it. Besides, you work hard all week. You deserve to be spoiled on the weekends."

Suzune shook her head, though the smile on her face grew wider. "You're too good to me, Kiyotaka."

"I could say the same about you," he responded, his tone sincere.

They fell into a comfortable silence as Kiyotaka returned to cooking, and Suzune moved to set the table. It was a routine they had perfected over the years, a quiet dance that reflected the deep understanding and affection between them.

As they sat down to eat, Suzune hesitated for a moment before looking up at Kiyotaka with a thoughtful expression. "Kiyotaka, about what we were discussing the other night..."

Kiyotaka met her gaze, knowing exactly what she was referring to. "You mean the possibility of having a baby?"

Suzune nodded, her expression serious but tinged with uncertainty. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately. About what it would mean for us, for our lives."

Kiyotaka set his fork down, giving her his full attention. "And what are your thoughts?"

Suzune took a deep breath, her eyes flickering with a mix of emotions. "I've always been focused on my career, on achieving my goals. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that my priorities have shifted. We've built something wonderful together, and I... I want to share that with a child. I want us to have a family."

There was a vulnerability in her voice that Kiyotaka rarely heard, and it tugged at something deep within him. He reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "Suzune, if this is something you truly want, then I'm with you all the way. We've always faced everything together, and this would be no different."

Suzune's grip tightened on his hand, her eyes searching his for any sign of doubt. "Are you sure, Kiyotaka? This is a big step. It would change everything."

Kiyotaka smiled softly, his gaze steady and reassuring. "I've never been more sure of anything. We've faced so much already—your brother, my father, the challenges of our careers. I know we can handle this too, and I want to take this step with you."

Suzune's eyes softened, and she let out a small, relieved sigh. "Thank you, Kiyotaka. I just needed to hear that."

They spent the rest of the morning talking about what a future with a child might look like. Suzune, ever the planner, brought up practicalities—timing, her career, how they would balance their lives with a new addition to the family. Kiyotaka, in his usual calm manner, assured her that they would figure it out together, just as they always had.

As the day wore on, they found themselves sitting on the couch in the living room, the remnants of breakfast forgotten on the kitchen table. Suzune leaned against Kiyotaka, her head resting on his shoulder as they talked about their dreams for the future. It was a rare moment of openness for Suzune, who had always been more reserved, but with Kiyotaka, she felt safe enough to share her deepest thoughts.

"Kiyotaka," she murmured, her voice soft, "do you ever think about what life would have been like if we hadn't met? If we hadn't ended up in the same class?"

Kiyotaka's arm tightened around her, his expression thoughtful. "I do sometimes. But I can't imagine it being anywhere near as fulfilling as this. Meeting you changed everything for me, Suzune. I don't think I would have been truly happy if our paths hadn't crossed."

Suzune smiled, a rare, genuine smile that she reserved only for him. "I feel the same way. You've shown me what it means to truly care for someone, to let them into your life completely. I never imagined I'd find this kind of happiness."

They fell into a companionable silence, content just to be in each other's presence. Outside, the afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the house, and the world seemed to slow down, allowing them to savor the moment.

As the day turned into evening, they decided to take a walk through their neighborhood, enjoying the crisp autumn air. They talked about everything and nothing, their hands entwined as they walked down the tree-lined streets.

When they returned home, the topic of their future child came up again, this time with more certainty and excitement. They talked about names, about the kind of parents they wanted to be, and about how they would decorate the nursery.

That night, as they lay in bed, Kiyotaka held Suzune close, his thoughts drifting back to all they had been through. It hadn't been an easy journey, but it had been worth every challenge, every hardship. Now, as they looked toward the future, he knew that whatever came next, they would face it together—stronger and more in love than ever before.

As Suzune drifted off to sleep beside him, Kiyotaka pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, feeling an overwhelming sense of contentment. They had come so far from their days at the Advanced Nurturing High School, and now, they were on the brink of a new chapter in their lives—one that promised to be filled with even more love and joy.

And as he closed his eyes, Kiyotaka knew, without a doubt, that they were ready for whatever the future held.

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