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Chapter 2

Ruan Mingfu walked on the path back to the educated youth point with a unhappy face.

You run so fast, you are the only one with long legs, right!

She picked a branch of wild flowers blooming on the roadside with a depressed look, and muttered: "I haven't given up on him yet."

This kind of golden opportunity is rare, and I don't know where to go next time I want to stop Xie Yanzhao.

Is it so annoying!

Is the original owner ugly?

Ruan Mingfu quickly put her face in the small ditch beside her and looked at the reflection on the water surface, and then she let go of her heart. The original owner looked exactly like her. If it weren't for the tear mole the size of a pen tip under her left eye, she would have thought she was wearing a mask.

Seeing this, Ruan Mingfu became even angrier.

What kind of man is Xie Yanzhao? He can remain indifferent to such a beautiful woman like her.

Ruan Mingfu was ruthless and threw the crumbs in her hand into the ditch in anger.

The uncle of the local snake is the boss of the G Committee. No matter how beautiful Ruan Mingfu is, no one is willing to offend the county leader for a woman. Xie Yanzhao is a soldier, and his rank is not low. As long as she marries him, she can follow the army and leave this place.

Giving up is not giving up, this melon has to be forced...

Ruan Mingfu really doesn't believe that she can't win Xie Yanzhao with her charm.


Ruan Mingfu just finished giving herself chicken blood and heard the sound coming from inside when she arrived at the door of the educated youth point.

"... she disappeared early in the morning..."

"I guess she went somewhere to seduce gay men again."

Ruan Mingfu had a good face. After she went to the countryside, the eyes of the gay men in the surrounding area lit up. All of them came to her to show their courtesy. But she didn't know how to behave, so other female comrades rejected her openly or secretly.

"Today, the son of the Wu family is getting married. I think she went to join in the fun."

The educated youth with two big braids sneered, "Do you believe it?"

Ruan Mingfu remembered that this female educated youth was called Hu Lihong. She had a pretty face, but because of her straightforward personality, she would talk to everyone and was the first to know any news in the village.

"What do you mean?"

Hu Lihong smiled pretentiously, "The son of the Wu family is a soldier. He is back to get married and bring back several comrades."

"Tsk, they are all married..." This voice is so disappointing.

These soldiers just arrived at the Wu family, and before they could even sit down, the old woman with a daughter waiting to get married came to the house. Soldiers are the most popular these days, and they are the best in the blind date market!

Who knew that they were all married.

The old woman's enthusiasm was completely gone.

Hu Lihong glared at her, "Who said that? There is still one who is not married!"


They have no hope of returning to the city, and their families will give them subsidies to make their lives a little better. Others wanted to live a better life, and the only option was to get married. They preferred to marry those who were in the army rather than marrying villagers.

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