Chapter one~ new worlds

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*violette pov*

"What the fuck... " I woke up in a blur, slowly regaining my eyesight. I look around finding myself in some kind of empty dead field. Above me in the sky lingers a big red pentagram.
,What kind of fucked up place is this?' I think to myself while still looking around. A few hundred meters away, I can see a big city with shining lights. Everything seems to be in a red Color scheme, which doesn't exactly impress me. As I make my way to the city, I try to recall my past memories. ,My Name is violette. I'm 21 years old. I randomly woke up in a weird place without any other memories.' That's all I could remember. Neither how I got here nor where I actually am. Everything seems so cold and brutal here. I reach the city and walk through the streets until I stop at a window and look at my reflection. I'm tall and slim but with curves that are to die for. My body is covered in black fur with some dark purple highlights and I appear to have a second pair of arms and a total of 8 eyes, which shine in a beautiful shade of purple. It appears that I am some sort of spider-person. Frighted of my reflection I scream and stumble back in fear.

*Alastor pov*

A loud scream comes out of the city, making me wonder where it originated. I roam calmly through the streets, on my way to find the source of the fearful sound. In an alleyway I find a young female staring at her reflection in disbelief. „Well hello there young lady. May I ask you, what possibly made you scream in fear like that." I bend down to her with my usual smile, which seems to scare her even more. A little helpless I call for Angel dust, in hopes that he knows to talk to her more calming. „What do you want Radio demon?" he asks in his usual annoyed self, as he approaches me and the lady in fear.

*violette pov*

In complete disbelief, I stand there in front of a deer-looking man with a frightening smile who's calling for somebody named Angel dust. ,Isn't that a drug?' I wonder. Just then a male with a body almost like mine came up to us and started talking to the guy he now calls „radio demon". „DEMON?! What are you? Where am I? What the fuck is happening to me?" I blurt out in shock. The tall men look at me, surprised to finally hear me speak. The spider demon named Angel dust formes a soft smile on his lips as he looks down at me. ,,You're in hell babycakes. And we are demons. Seems like you just got here hm? How did you die?" He speaks. I stand there, trying to process the information I just got, until I realise what he had told me a minute ago. „Died? Are you telling me I'm dead? But I don't feel dead."
Angel dust lays his hand on my back and leads me in a direction to walk with him.
„Calm down alright? First of all I'm Angel dust but you can call me Angel for short. This is the actual hell, that humans talk about all the time. But don't worry it's not as bad as it seems. They got great party's down here." Angel explains and winks at me as he speaks the last sentence. He got me thinkin. ,I could really take a line right about now' But do they even have drugs down here? ,, Hey uhm Angel? Do you think I could get like some coke or shit around here?" I ask, staring at the ground in embarrassment. He just chuckles giving me a side eye. ,,This is hell tuts. Of course you're gonna get fucking drugs literally everywhere" Realising what i just asked, as I recalled the fact that we're in hell, made me feel really dumb but Angel dust didn't care a bit and just pulled me to a nearby club.

Snorting down the first line, Angel dust asks me what my name was. ,,I'm Violette but don't even ask for any other information because I don't know shit." I stated before snorting a line aswell. Not short after, I feel the effect of the white powder and start to loosen up a little. Maybe a little too much. After a while Angel dust and I are pretty knocked up and start making out with each other. The rest of the night kind of blurs together in a mix of making out and having more lines and drinks, until everything turned black.

~The next morning~

I slowly woke up feeling really bad. But that wasn't my main concern when I noticed I was laying next to Angel. Naked! His arms are wrapped around me and he slowly stirs as he wakes up from his sleep. ,,fuck.. what happened last night." he groans. Uncomfortable I turn around in bed feeling myself getting closer to throwing up. ,,W-where's the bathroom." He just points to the door on the left and I jump up and run to the toilet to let go of everything I put in my body last night. Angel kneels down behind me and holds my hair. ,,Last night was a bit much huh?" Coughing I carefully lean my back on the wall, holding my pounding head. Caring, Angel dust gets up and brings me a glass of water and a pill for the pain. Then he picks me up with ease and lays me down on his bed. ,,Did we.. you know.. do it?" I ask shyly.
He chuckles and shakes his head. ,,All I remember is that we made out and got naked and fell into the bed. It's not my vibe to just get with someone who's not sober enough." I smile slightly at his words. He seems so sweet, I wonder why he's in hell. Watching him get dressed, I start looking around the room. It's held in a pink color scheme with spiderweb designs on the walls. When he's done getting dressed he looks at me softly. ,,I gotta go to work, but you can stay here and get some rest." And with that he's out the door.

Being alone gives me a lot of time to think and the more I think I start to remember my old life...

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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