Magnet's Warning

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You cannot fathom what I've been through, if you had known. You wouldn't have opened these texts or if you were me. Desperately trying to remember what I long wished to forget. I was born not too long ago, in a place these large beings call a "factory." In this place there were many others just like me but we were all destined to split apart. Scattered across this gigantic world where we are but insects, play toys for the giant beings known as "humans" blissfully I anticipated that very day but if I could go back and slap myself. I would because what awaited me wasn't blissful fun but rather a sick and twisted fate.

It was dark that day, I eagerly awaited to meet my human, the one who'd take care of me until I can no longer provide him the joys that he wants. Becoming a novelty until the day I no longer worked and repeating the cycle for those to follow but when light graced my eyes and my human held me in his hand. His eyes filled with a twisted form of glee, but me, I was naive and only thought he was happy to see me. His name was Niel, and he'd fondle me all day, he'd say "How do you work?" or "How strong are you?" To feed his curiosity he stuck me to everything, from his fridge, to the scrap pieces of metal, he'd place me everywhere he'd think I'd stick. I enjoyed his presence and I believed in his eyes, he cherished me but one day it had changed. He turned on the light to his "workshop" where I had my resting place, he rolled up the door where three other humans wheeled in a machine. I watched him with anticipation, Neil had many machines in his workshop and used them everyday making new and incredible things. I was proud to call him my human but I wondered how we would play today. The machine those other humans brought sat underneath my shelf, where Neil grinned, a grin filled with sin as he turned his head to me. He asked me "Do you wish to play today?" In my mind I screamed yes because Neil couldn't hear me. I was grabbed from the shelf and he continued to stick me in every little magnetic surface but his face no longer amused, he fondled me betwinch his fingers and said to me "I think you could be better but you are great for a toy but to me you're just not enough." His words were poetic but they stung so deeply, what did he mean that I was not enough? I could be better I thought as I tried to cling harder to each surface but Neil wasn't impressed rather he seemed less thrilled with me. "I wonder" He'd stare at me as I clung to his fridge. Ripping me off he tossed me onto the counter and brought out a torch. It burned so bright, what is this Neil, is it a new way to play? "I wonder how you'd fare if I lit you aflame." He snickered underneath his breath as he brought the torch closer, it was so hot but Neil did not stop. He watched as I was engulfed in flame, no matter how red I became, he watched with sickened glee. Once the flame finally ceased, Neil left me there, atop of his counter. Leaving me with my thoughts as I felt the sweltering pain throughout my body, it hurt, it burned. I felt as if I was slowly becoming deformed. I was casted aside because I wasn't strong enough, tortured because I wasn't strong enough, I had thought Neil; my human wouldn't harm me but he used me as his own sick satisfaction. What did he have to gain from me? I am but a playtoy, can't he be satisfied with that?

Neil returned later in the day. He held a bag with a black and green logo on it. I didn't know what it was but all I could think was if this would be the end? Will he toss me away in the trash where I'd rust away eventually? If this is the case, I thought please Neil have mercy and resign my life. However Neil had other plans, twisted plans. Neil looked upon me with a bright grin "Let's see if you stick" he asked me once more. I felt weak, too weak to move let alone stick. I cried internally hoping he'd leave me be but he pushed me against every surface to see if I stuck but I couldn't. "You have become a worthless piece of junk." He said to me, I had long figured out he did not care for me but his words still stung, cutting deeper than any plasma cutter. "But I could fix that." He says bringing me into his workshop as he sat me on my shelf. I thought he'd let me rest but he wandered over to the machine he had brought in that very morning. He pulled out a cloth shaking it loose of any dust as he ignited the machine and stood a ways away from it stroking his chin.

It was a few minutes before the machine was ready; sadly the only reason I knew was because Neil was excited "It's ready," his voice chipper and singsongy. Lying the cloth onto the machine before grabbing me, stuffing me inside this dark shallow place. "Time to fire it up" His voice echoed but muffled in this dark space. I do not know what caused this but I felt a jolt in my body, it was no longer lethargic or struggling to live. I felt Neil's hands grab me within the cloth, unveiling me to see his twisted smile "Time to see if you stick" He claimed as I was placed against a metal shelf, I clung desperately to the shelf in an attempt for Neil to never hold me in his hands again. However Neil was able to peel me off as he fondled me in his hands with a satisfied smile "You're perfect, nice and strong." He said, his words chilling me to my very corners, he stuck me to every surface where I desperately tried to remain but every time he managed to pull me off. His eyes were still filled with a sick satisfaction but I knew, I couldn't become weaker now that I've become strong. I cannot falter, Neil is my human but he has unfathomable power so I must entertain him. One to not disappoint him with my lack of strength, Two to never experience such torment ever again, and Three so no other magnet ever has to experience this human name Neil. So if I forget, or another has entered this place where I am no longer able to fulfill my duty please remember to always entertain the human called Neil otherwise he'll force you to himself.

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