Sam and Dean x Teen reader- You were right

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Y/n returns home bloody without any explanation and Sam and Dean are worried
TW: body parts, creeps, blood

Y/n' s day was already bad and it became worse when she found out that it wasn't something supernatural, but human. She had gone for the hunt thinking that there was a nest of 5 vampires, but things turned out differently. Y/n had told Sam and Dean that she was going to hunt a fairy, because she knew if she said she was going for a nest alone, they wouldn't have let her. And the rest is history.

Sam was buried in his laptop while Dean was busy with his power nap and then the bunker door opened. Soon Y/n walked down the stairs after the door closed which woke Dean up. She was walking too fast and none of the brothers had noticed her yet. "Hey Y/n! How was the hunt?", Sam spoke with his eyes glued to the screen. Y/n didn't reply and that caught Dean's attention so he turned and watched in horror as he saw her soaked in blood with a crowbar in hand.

"Sam!", Dean called out as he hurriedly followed Y/n with Sam tailing him, his expressions changing just like Dean's. She was faster so she went into her room and locked it shut. "Y/n? Hey Y/n?", Dean asked as he frantically banged the door to her room but she didn't answer. "Hey, are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?", Dean asked in a hurry as he kept knocking.

Sam and Dean exchanged worrying looks, her silence was concerning and so was the amount of blood. "Y/n, open the door", Dean knocked again but to no avail. "Y/n let us help you, please", Sam spoke as he tried the lock many times. "I'll pick the lock", Sam whispered as he got out the instruments from his pocket. "Y/n, we won't be mad at you, please let us in", Dean pleaded as waited for Sam to open the door.

Quickly it opened and they spotted Y/n sitting on her bed. The brothers slowly walked to her being as slow as possible as to not alarm her. Y/n was staring into empty space, blinking slowly and Dean noticed that her grip on the crowbar was making her knuckles white. He slowly sat next to her and Sam got on his knees.

They both checked her, there weren't any open wounds or scars visible but she was also covered in blood. Dean gently put his hand on her shoulder but she didn't react. "Hey, Y/n? Is this your blood? Are you hurt?", Dean asked slowly and Y/n didn't reply. She just kept staring at the ground. Sam held her knee and then said, "Hey Y/n, we get it if you don't wanna talk, so why don't you go and take a shower. Call us if you need anything yeah?".

Y/n thought for a moment and slowly nodded. Sam quickly got on his feet, opened Y/n's cupboard, gathered some of her clothes and gave it to her. She took them and limped to the bathroom with the crowbar still in hand, and shut the door. After a while, the water was heard running so Sam and Dean got to it.

"What the hell happened? Did you know about this?", Dean whisper yelled at Sam. Sam frowned and answered, "What? I don't know about this. She told me she was going to kill a bad fairy". "Well does killing a fairy involve that much blood? She obviously lied", Dean rubbed his face and frustrated.

"She might have had her reasons Dean, and she clearly isn't ok right now. It was something...", Sam trailed off mid sentence which Dean completed, "Far worse than a fairy". "Why wouldn't she tell us? I mean we're trustworthy right?", Dean asked shoving his hands in the air. Sam shook his head, "No, something must have happened Dean, she knows how to handle things."

"What can be worse than hunting monsters?", Dean asked just as the shower stopped running. They both got ready for whatever and waited for Y/n. She came out still with the crowbar in her hand, but she limped and kept it on the nearby table. She turned and nodded her head as she walked out of her room leaving the boys even more confused.

She limped to the kitchen slowly, made herself some cereal and slowly took a seat. Dean and Sam watched her carefully as she began to eat. They both sat near her and waited for her to speak. Her face has some tiny scratches but her neck caught Dean's attention as he was sitting opposite her. It was bruised in the shape of a handprint.

"Y/n? Did you really hunt a fairy?", Dean asked as he switched eyes from her neck to her face. Y/n shook her head. He exhaled as he was glad she replied. "What was it Y/n?", Sam asked as he sat closer to her. Y/n stopped eating and thought about it. She kept the spoon in the bowl and scratched her neck, which both of them noticed.

"I...I was a nest", Y/n spoke slowly as she nervously gulped and continued, "It wasn't". "What was it?", Sam asked but Y/n shook her head and scratched her neck but didn't let the bite marks show. Dean saw that so he took her other hand and asked, "Hey, what did this?". Y/n gave him a frightened look but spoke, "You mean who?".

Dean's expression turned serious as he understood what she might mean and his grip on her hand tightened. "Who?", Dean asked with anger lacing his words as Sam rubbed Y/n's back. "You were right...", she began but stopped. "About what?", asked Sam. Y/n stared at him and he nodded for her to continue so she did.

"You were right Dean, demons I get it...but humans...I don't.", Y/n whispered and took a deep breath as Dean kept on with his thumb rubs. "Tell us what happened Y/n, you know we will understand", Sam asked despite of feeling her getting tensed under his hands. He wanted her to get it out.

She looked at Dean and after his nod of approval, she spoke, "They...they weren't vamps, they were...humans who were preying on teenagers I...I found some parts...body parts in the warehouse", Y/n stopped for a breath, Sam rubbed her back and Dean didn't leave her hand.

She nodded and continued, "I found some bodies... teenagers as I walked more and...there were 2 people chopping them. I couldn't...I couldn't handle it so I quietly went in to check if there were any hostages...any alive. I saw the other 2 of those humans... eating them."

Y/n stopped speaking, her eyes going to distance as she imagined the scene again. Sam and Dean patiently waited. She cleared her throat and said, "I got so enraged that I just felt like killing them all so...I did. They were far worse than the I went in, and killed them all."

Dean sighed as he heard the horrors Y/n spoke. Sam kept rubbing her back and kissed her head as both the brothers exchanged a concerning look. Suddenly Y/n grabbed Dean's hand and asked, "Did I do the right thing? Please tell me if I'm wrong". Sam and Dean looked at each other for answers but couldn't find any.

Sam inhaled and answered, "No, you didn't do anything wrong. They...they did. And yes, humans are worse. Trust me you didn't do anything wrong ok". Dean nodded and joined, "Yeah, they had it coming". Y/n nodded slowly and sighed in relief to know she wasn't wrong to kill them all and then she scratched her neck and frowned when she felt it moist.

When she saw her fingers, there was blood on it. "Are you ok?", Sam asked as soon as he saw the blood, Dean getting more alarmed then he already was. "Are you hurt? Show me", Dean panicked as he cupped Y/n's cheeks and checked her. Y/n pulled her hair back exposing her neck, "One of them kind of went for my neck, I think he...", before Y/n could finish Sam did, "Bit you", he carefully touched her neck.

Y/n hissed so Sam took his hand away. "That son of a bitch!", Dean exclaimed and held Y/n hair back so they don't stick to the bite mark. "Don't worry, they're dead", Y/n stated and kept her neck tilted. Dean gave her the look. "Ok, here", Sam said as he poured some antiseptic on the gauze and cleaned her wound.

"Aah", Y/n let out a pained whine as he did so. "It's ok, you'll be ok. And I swear to God you're not going anywhere near humans again", Dean declared as he patted Y/n's head as Sam worked on the wound. "Can I go near monsters then?", Y/n asked with 'Castiel puppy eyes' which Dean couldn't say no to.

Y/n has Castiel's eyes, so Dean agreed anyways. "Yeah that's...yeah ok, but with us", Dean said and cross-checked her neck. Sam had dressed it well. They both told her to sleep it off and tell if she needed anything. And after she had gone to sleep, they both kissed her goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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