11. Blushing cheeks are speaking volumes

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Ayden stood lost in his thoughts, leaning to the balcony, his face facade of an expressionless mask. The gentle tap on his shoulder broke the spell, he turned to find Aeni standing behind him, stopping at an arm distance, causing his world to stand still.

As she moved to his side, the balcony railing became a shared anchor, her eyes drifting downwards below the balcony,

"Is there any harm in sharing a room?" Aeni asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Of course not," he replied with a smirk.

"Oh, yes, then who orders like this? I'll stay in the vacant room!" Aeni said, he chuckled seeing her, mimicking him. "Why should there be any harm in sharing a room? After all, sleeping together can have its benefits..." His smirk mirrored as he leaned in, clearly giving her a wicked idea. Aeni's neck prickled with goosebumps, "W-what do you mean by... benefits?" She stuttered, her cheeks flushing with warmth.

"What benefits? Well, let's just say, two people sharing a room can create a much more intimate atmosphere, don't you think?" He teased, enjoying how flustered she is getting.

"I...I don't know what you mean." Aeni said, avoiding eyes contact with him. Ayden, amused by her reaction, steps back with a sly chuckle, "Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough."

"What does that mean? You're confusing me..." Aeni looks up at him, trying to process what he's implying. Ayden chuckled, and turned to leave, satisfied with the effect he had on her and left her thinking about his words. Aeni stands there, still trying to process what just happened, the effect of his words still lingers in the air.


Kavish entered Ila's room, noticing her unusual quietness since morning. She hadn't even spoken to him properly during the drive, lost in thought as she gazed out the window.

Now, she sat on the bed, her hands paused mid-task as Kavish rummaged through her bag for clothes. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you angry with me, Ila?" Kavish asked, his voice laced with concern.

Ila's smile was a gentle reassurance. "Why would I be angry with you, Kavish? You make me happy," she said, her hands resuming their task.

Kavish opened his arms, inviting her closer. "Come here to me," he said, his voice soft.

Ila chuckled and ran into his embrace, her head nestling into his chest. "I'm just worried, Aeni is angry with me, na?" she whispered.

"Don't worry, she won't be angry for too long," Kavish soothed, his fingers tracing gentle patterns in her hair as she snuggled deeper into his chest, seeking comfort.


As night fell in the jungle, the group decided to stay inside. The darkness outside was spooky, so they lit lamps and torches to brighten things up. But the flickering flames made the place feel like a scene from a scary movie. Everyone was nervous, but they tried to distract themselves by chatting and laughing.

Aeni and Aneri were talking in their room when Ila came out of the washroom, fresh from a shower. "Hey, join us! We're talking about lots of things," Aneri said. Ila smiled and joined in, but Aeni was still quiet, her anger lingering. Ila tried to make her laugh, but Aeni just smiled slightly.

Ila planned to talk to Aeni tomorrow and clear the air. She didn't want their friendship to suffer because of a misunderstanding.

Meanwhile, Arman and Kavish were exhausted and fell asleep on the same bed, their legs tangled in a funny position. One leg of Kavish is above Arman and one leg of Arman is above Kavish, they were lying opposite to each other.

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