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   [Y/N] - Your Name
[M/N] - Middle Name
[L/N] - Last Name

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Saitama: ["What the hell is this?"]

The other master and the student glanced up, watching a plane fly by and drop a large package. Held up by a parachute, it slowly floated into the ground, accelerated when it was coated in purple and pulled down to the ground at sudden speeds by Y/N, who's palm rested against the bottom of the large box, before he put it down onto the ground, and tilted his head with a curious hum while giving it a knock.

It sounded full, but also was extremely light, so he gave it a light toss up and down. Y/N crouched down near the box, looking up at Saitama and Genos, the former who shrugged. As he pulled the box open, many letters were revealed inside — He went on to look for a few of them, rummaging through with excitement. A sudden rush in Y/N's persona as he practically dove inside of the box to try and find something.

Genos: ["It's mail for us. Delivery people can't come here, so they simply drop the mail by parachute"] He reached ahead, pulling back Y/N and holding him up in the air, all while the masked rifleman kept wagging his legs and arms, excitedly reaching for the box ["It's mail delivered directly by the Hero-Association. There are messages from both ordinary people and heroes"] With Y/N still being held by his arms, rummaging through a few of them ["I guess they're what you'd call fan-letters or something along those lines"]


Saitama: ["Really now? Woah... WAIT SOME ARE ADDRESSED TO ME!"]

Genos: ["There are five in total that are addressed to you, Master Saitama..."] He scanned the box for a moment, picking it up with his other arm, and moving it away from Y/N, who still had his arms stretched and flailing ["And a total of 20 to you, Master Y/N"]


A sudden flash later, and then boom, the box and letters were thrown inside of the room, and the many pieces of paper fell onto the table. Y/N dived right into it, like a pool filled with water, arms stretched, and snatching a bunch of them. Back-first into the ground, he fell and tossed away everything that wasn't directed to him, only collecting the 20 of his, snickering like a goblin hoarding its pile of shiny treasure.

Piece of paper after piece of paper flew through the place as Y/N went on to read every single letter that was addressed to him. Everywhere he saw his name mentioned, his eyes instantly snapped to the place — However, a single black letter caught his attention, purely because of its color, sigil, and name. The Hero Association, with his name clearly stamped onto it. He let go of all the letters for it.

However, as he began pulling it open, his eyes glanced to the side, where he saw Saitama glancing at the letter in his hand — "COWARDLY FAKE! No one cares about you.". "HERO FAIL!!! SHAME!!". "JUST QUIT! WASTE OF FUNDS!". In compensation, a mere glance at one of the letters that Genos held, it went on and on about the person being a fan, being in his fan club, and things of the sort. And so, Y/N groaned.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐖𝐁𝐎𝐘 │  [M!Reader x Tatsumaki]Where stories live. Discover now