The Rise of Red X

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Izuku Midoriya was a late bloomer that made his parents ignore him and his twin sister and his older siblings to bully him. (The sisters in One Punch Man) Izuku ran away from home after Izumi told him to kill himself after his family and friends realized what they had done to him. They tried to find him but they couldn't as years went by. Izuku came back to attend UA with his quirk and he was a lot stronger with his telekinesis quirk. During the USJ, Izuku was fighting against Nomu as he was getting his ask kicked. As his family tried to save him. As Tomura Shirigaki said

Shirigaki: any last words

Izuku: yeah you guys are late

That's when four batarangs appear, and hit the Nomu as the class saw the Bat Brothers arrive in time. They help Izuku up as they had a mini fight as one villain was about to attack them when Izuku KO him without looking at him. He threw a smoke bomb into the ground as the smoke was clear they saw Izuku wearing a suit. They realized that Izuku is Red X

 They realized that Izuku is Red X

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Barbara Gordon

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Barbara Gordon

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