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I waved goodbye to my parents. They didn't wave back. They are the most puzzling characters you'd ever meet! They would never hug me with affection nor would they show even a teeny bit of curiosity in my daily doings. They don't even tell me what they do for a living. They sent me off to a hostel far from home.(The hostel was more of a home for me) They would never visit me nor would they reply to my letters. I only spent the summer with them. Sometimes I wondered if they are my real parents at all!

This summer was no different.(Atleast I thought it wasn't) As soon as I reached home after a long burdening year at the hostel they told me that I had to spend my summer at some moronic camp. "Perfect this is just how I have always dreamt about spending my summer" I said with the intention that they would note my sarcasm. As always they didn't reply.(Why was I not surprised!)

It took us an hour's drive to get there. They dropped me off and in no time were on their way back. I looked around. I was standing in the middle of a lonesome road surrounded my tall silhouettes shadowing the road. The sinister darkness of the night wrapped it's arm around me. The never ending forest frightened me. I could only imagine about all the wildlings that lay there camouflaged in the darkness, some waiting for their preys and the others concealed in the darkness trying to go unnoticed in the eyes of the predators.A loud beep intercepted my chain of thoughts.

It was a minivan. Dull yellow color,broken windows with creepers creeping out of them,weary and unbalanced tires and with mold on the car paint. The driver beeped again signalling me to hop on. There were some twenty or more kids, all of my age. I found an empty seat beside a boy. Fair skin complexion,bleached eyes like that of a high-noon country sky,coiffed brown hair nicely set with some oil. sat beside him and started examining him-his clothes,his well polished shoes,his stance trying to deduce his background and character like The Great Sherlock Holmes would do.

"Hi" I said "I'm David." "Martin" he said "Nice to meet you." We then talked for an hour or two about sports,music,girls and the usual shit. It turned out that most of my deductions about him were right. My huge ego was augmented. All of a sudden the bus stopped. I looked out of the window. We were in the middle of nowhere. The bus driver commanded us to get out. He then got out and started throwing everybody's luggage out of the luggage compartment in a hurry. Everybody got out. Some vexed, others perplexed and some just didn't give a shit! It was the same lonesome road surrounded by the same trees dressed in shadows swaying their branches in the coming and going wind. It was like we ended up at the same place where we had started the journey. Before we could question the driver and get an account of what was going on,the driver was far gone.

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