Luna's death

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Luna's surface crackled as rips stared to form on his surface, the same sleepiness had long since left his system when the cracks started to appear, he could feel his body starting to fall apart, his screams where hopeless as the croaking started to over power as his throat became strained, even then it was pointless to continue, his throat felt like it was being ripped from his body and it probably was at this point, it as impossible to tell how much of him was left as his body had become numbed long ago.

His last remaining eye could see the sea rise over many cities because of his closeness, he could see the faint reflection as the waves crashed over the tall concrete building, sweeping them off their foundation and killing anyone still trapped inside. His head now resembled a crater, that torn apart from his purple hair, you could see deep into his outer core that poured out the cracks, it would probably have hurt if he could still feel his body, his inner core heated up the harden lava that made up his surface back into molten lava, that gushed from his head and eyes, making it hard to see form them, his other eye was completely gone, replaced with a large hold that shows his solid core, Luna oils faintly remember a planet saying that seeing one's inner core was a bad sign, but his memory was being to get fizzy, faces begone to mix together into one Frankenstein of everyone Luna had ever meet in his life time, his consciousness was fainting and fast as screams rang out in his ears, their voice was muddy and almost impossible to heard.

"O— —- LU—!"

The voice sounded again, it felt comforting, but he couldn't tell why, they felt... close and loving.

"PLEASE! Lu—, Sta- —— Us!"

Lu? Was that his name in this life? It felt nice, like a soft cookie that just came out of the oven, he remembered tasting one before.

"NO, N— LUN- ———"


Luna's eyes closed as time froze around him.

It felt like he was floating on a warm cloud that had soaked in all the sun light for it self, it was something completely different from space, then he could still feel the cold nipping at his body no matter how many layers he wore and it only got worst the further he went in the solar system, but here, his inner core felt hot, Luna never felt so warm before, it was like a hug that wrapped around him, consuming his entire body, and Luna let it, what ever it was take him, his only wish was for Earth to shears in with this warmth, to lie down together, without having to worry about his brothers Earthling every again, now he gets to go into a warm, internal sleep.

*:・゚✧ ଳ ✧・゚:*

"LUNA! PLEASE!" Earth's tears fall onto his brother's lifeless body, hardly any of it was left only his very cracked head, the lava burned his surface creating a burning sensation among his forest, but that was a latter problem, right now his focus was on Luna and only Luna, even as the sensation grew, he couldn't do anything to stop his brother's deterioration now though, he was to late. If only he heard him sooner, maybe then Luna would still be here, instead of just a pile of rocks in Earth's hands. Earth could only run his fingers over Luna's Crescent marks that line his round, child like cheeks right under his eyes, he did realize Mars had sat down right next to him until his slightly colder hand pulled Earth's away from Luna's lifeless corpse, letting the debris to get swept away in his gravity.

"Earth, can you hear me? You need to copy my breathing, okay?" He asked, Earth never heard mars voice so light and floaty before, his hands guided Earth's against his chest as he breathed softly.

"Just nice and easy Earth, can you do that?" Mars asked again his eyes peering into Earth's creating a distraction from the ring that was now forming around Earth. "Just like that, Earth, keep following me" Earth's mind wondered from Mars words, down a whining path of his memory, what did his earthlings always say when your panicking?

"Your doing great Earth" mars words whispered in his ears, they sounds distant, as Earth's mind was clouded with Cotten balls.

Breath for four seconds

- - - -

Hold for seven, come on Earth

- - - - - - -

Out for eight.

- - - - - - - -

Earth's head cleared as he felt his grip on reality tighten with the grip of Mars hand on his own. "How do you feel Earth, Are you feeling better?" The only thing Earth could do was slumped against Mars as his tears threaten to bust out.

Earth still felt like he was in a daze, the would felt like it was spinning on a wire, ready to fall off at any moment, but that crushing sensation never came, instead he felt warmth fluid his body as Venus and Mercury pile onto him, crushing his body with love while they whispered condolences into his ear softly as ever, their whisper sound like a lullaby to his acing heart, as his eyelids grew heavy and he was casted into a dreamless sleep knowing his friends with be there when he awakes up.

I had to stop writing since ao3 stopped working for me but I'll probably add more in the near future:)

Sleep tight, My little LunaWhere stories live. Discover now