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Akio kito was done.

His whole life he'd been studying to be a lawyer from listening to court trials when he was in the womb to sorting out playground scuffles when he was in elementary school. He'd been born to be a lawyer, there was no doubt about that!

So why was it that on the final hurdle of his journey to success he was roughly woken up by the sound of his alarm buzzing loudly in his ear. He groaned, running a hand through his hair and sliding on his glasses to see what time it was. 8:40. He slept in...

He slept in.

With a startled yelp he rushed out of the wooden chair he'd fallen asleep in and panicked the entire time he was getting ready. Akio Kito did not sleep in, he was a law student for fucks sake-he'd been at the top of every class since he was in preschool. He didn't have time to sleep in-especially not on the last day of classes for his second to last semester of law school.

He barely thought as he grabbed a clean shirt and jacket throwing them on before pulling on his jeans and brown slacks. He had just barely managed to catch a taxi and sprint to his class in time to only be twenty minutes late. His professor had raised a brow at his unusual tardiness but said nothing, instead he mouthed. 'See me after class' and gave Akio a nod to allow him to go to his seat.

The entire lesson in an antsy silence, occasionally glancing up from his chicken scratch notes to peer at his professor, the man paid him no heed-giving him a quick recap on what he'd missed before continuing on with the lesson.

It was humiliating.

When the lesson was finally over and Akio was free he focused his attention on cramming all of his things into his tiny bag and consequently tearing a hole in it.

"Fuck!" He groaned. He barely noticed his professor tapping a light hand on his shoulder and gesturing him towards his sprawling wooden desk.

"Akio I'm going to get straight to the point-I'm worried about you!" His professor admitted, looking at him with an expression of undeserved pity. Akio knows that it's because he was late. He doesn't blame the man if he is to be honest-Akio being late to anything is near impossible, he was caught off guard today though.

He wouldn't be dropped from the course entirely...would he?

His professor sighs at his confusion and gestures for him to take a seat.

"You're always here early, you always leave last-and you never seem to have any fun for yourself! Being a lawyer can't be the only thing you ever do you know, you can't make your life revolve around your career!"

Akio merely blinks at him in confusion, in his well informed opinion-there is absolutely no problem with his life being revolved around his career, in fact . His professor should be proud of him for putting his career ahead of more selfish pursuits like partying and drinking!

Likely having noticed Akio's confused disgruntlement, his professor let out an exhausted sigh before he explained himself.

"How about this, I have two tickets for a flight to Ireland because I was going there on vacation with my wife.Unfortunately she's fallen ill so we can't go!" He began, keeping his expression level with Akio's the entire time.

Akio nodded slowly. He did not like where this was going.

"Fortunately my brother was happy to give the ticket to his son, my nephew and get rid of him for the summer but we need someone to supervise him!"

Again Akito nodded. He'd met the teen in particular briefly when he'd brought his professor coffee after class during the second day of the semester. He was the most edgy kid Akio had ever seen; black hoodie, ripped jeans, studded boots, gloomy expression. He staggered about the room with false swagger, occasionally interrupting their conversation with a loud kick to the skirting board or loud grumbling about how boring they were.

"I was wondering if you would be open to going with him-you would get the break you need of course but you're the only one I'd trust taking care of him and you yourself need the break!" His professor was begging him now. His desperation seeped into his voice like dripping water from a leak.

Akio thought for a moment. Surely his agreement would earn him favour from his professor, right?

He nodded. Shaking the mans hand as he stood up.

"What time will we be leaving at?" He asked.

"Should be in two days time! I'd advise you start packing!"

Akio nodded and headed out the door. Hopefully this trip would be worth it. 

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