Set 1 - Of the Poison and Antidote

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The world itself is already abstruse as it is. Places left uncovered, hidden, and abandoned. To force your brain into perceiving every opinion about yourself out there in the world. would just be too cruel.

To many, the King of the Pirates abdicating his throne to whoever dare claim it, was a huge shock. Unleash the beasts it did, from street dwellers and commoners, anyone who would put up a fight for a worry-free life of wealth: Roger opened the gates to the sea and to the New Pirate Era.

Even though the Pirate King made a worldwide impact, many do not see it as an opportunity to be appreciated, but rather envy. In fact, the number of people who had positive viewpoints of the late legend was an aberration. Men who hadn't even been to sea. Men who passed on lies and lies, mixed with uncertain truth. Men who just decided to mock and laugh. Ace had heard too many people abasing his father with disgusting words. Every syllable and every smirk, only served as oil on his fire. As the flames spread, Ace began to abhor the man more and more. 

It wasn't that he acceded to his hatred, but rather abided by it. It was a rough and reluctant process, and there was no other option for the young boy. He was abject after hearing the same stories over and over. When the entire world goes against you, then you must be under every circumstance, evil, right? It had to be. Not everyone could have all four seas remember your name and want you dead.

But what if it's not you? What if it's not your fault? What if it's the world who is spitting loads of shit in your face, so you'll be forced to drown in it in exchange for the government's absolution?

"Ace!!! I forgive you!! Let's be friends!!" 

The voice will forever ring in his head. Simple words that worked wonders. That abated his thoughts, both the good and bad, until it was abridged into nothing but Ace and the smaller boy.

Suddenly he stopped caring for himself. Nothing that the world thought of him or his father was relevant anymore. 

His carefree head accentuated his impossibly wide smile, that aborted any negativity within the radius of his presence. 

Each enthusiastic calling of his name made Ace warm again. He knew that he had abducted his entire heart. 

And he would willingly abstain from living as a whole-- if it could grant him safety for even a minute.

As long as he smiled at him, Ace could abjure every single thing and abrogate from all his responsibilities. It was as simple, and as complex as that. He then realized that absconding into the sheer excuse of resentment for Roger, wasn't all there was to his own life.

The world could piss on his grave for all he cared. It had nothing to do with him; he didn't care.

Because Ace had Luffy to abet him, and keep on loving.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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