Agent 016

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A few weeks had gone by, and I found myself deeply entrenched in work, pouring all my energy into building my career

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A few weeks had gone by, and I found myself deeply entrenched in work, pouring all my energy into building my career. I hadn't spoken to Barbie since our fallout, and truth be told, I wasn't sure I wanted to anymore. Streaming had become a new outlet for me, and though I was still getting the hang of it, it was a welcome distraction. Cam and Dave had been doing their best to pull me out of the funk I'd fallen into, but I kept telling them I was fine—at least, that's what I wanted to believe.

"Total would be $185," I said to the customer.

"When should I pick it up?" they asked.

"I'd say tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, thank you," he replied, handing me the money and inputting his information into the iPad.

I turned my attention to the other devices I needed to work on, diving into the familiar routine that had become my refuge. Work kept me focused, away from the distractions that used to consume me, but I couldn't ignore the fact that I missed how open and responsive I used to be. That's what happens when you put your heart on the line for someone who's still nursing their own wounds. Cam and Davion had noticed the change in me—how I'd become quieter, more withdrawn—but I kept telling myself it was for the best.

"Dean, you haven't spoken much in weeks. You know you can talk to us, man," Cam said, sipping on an energy drink.

"I'm fine, Cam. Thanks..." I replied, not really believing my own words.

"We're here for you, bro. You always got us," he continued.

"Thank you...seriously, I'm fine, guys," I reassured them, though I could tell they didn't quite buy it.

"Dean—" Dave started to say.

"I said I'm fine! Fuck!" I snapped, frustrated as I tried to fix a malfunctioning phone. "Now, stop hassling me! Please?!"

"How about you take the day off? I'll handle the devices," Cam offered, concern lacing his voice.


"You've been working for three weeks straight without a single day off. You need to take a break and get some rest. Maybe find yourself again."

"I appreciate the support, but I refuse to get off track again," I shot back, determined to stay focused.

"You've worked 168 need rest," Cam insisted.

"Is that an issue?" I asked, though deep down I knew the answer.

"Yes," they both replied in unison.

I sighed, feeling the weight of their concern bearing down on me. "Guys...I just..." I paused, trying to collect my thoughts. "I just thought I finally had the girl of my dreams. I thought I had the girl I'd been asking for. But she let her insecurities get in the way and believed some whore who I don't even find slightly attractive! I put so much effort into her, and I was happy! We got along so well! So well! Barbie was everything I ever asked for, and I was everything she ever asked for...why did it have to end like this?" My voice cracked as I spoke, the frustration and pain bubbling to the surface. "If I could just change her mind, I would. She was all I ever wanted."

"You still miss her?" Dave asked quietly.

I didn't respond. Instead, I leaned on the counter, my head hanging low as the weight of everything I'd been holding back finally started to crush me.

"Look, man," Dave began, his voice gentle. "Women are confusing and complex. They do things that we will never understand. Like you don't understand why she was quick to fold when she heard the false news after you showed her different. I think Barbie was afraid of getting hurt,"

"I was too!"

"And you were. But...Barbie still likes you. You said she unblocked you from everything right? That has to mean something. Maybe she regrets how things went. Don't give up on her. You two were great for each other,"

"She gave up on me...what? You want me to just go over there and apologize, Cam?"

"No. How about I get in contact with Barbie and we can arrange something?"

"Nah, that's fine look soft. If she was sorry, she would reach out," I said.

"A lot of girls don't do that sadly. They indirectly do shit that gives us open opportunities," Dave said.

"Well that's gonna have to change. That's not fair!"

"Dean, just go home for the day and take some time off. You don't have to over work yourself to get over somebody. But, if she was truly sorry, she would reach out and start over if you're up to it and I know you are," Cam said.

"Okay, fine. I feel like a simp," I confessed.

"That's because you are a simp," Dave added.

"Shut up, Davion!" Cam shouted. "Dean, just go home for the day, please?"


𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 ❥❦۵ (Agent00 Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now