♡ Chapter 67- Arnav ♡

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~ After 5 days:

Five days had passed, and now Shivaay and Annika were on a long drive. Annika gazed out of the window, and her thoughts drifted back to everything that had happened in the last 5 days.

Both of them had been busy with work, and every evening they visited the Oberoi Mansion, only to return to AS Mansion before 7 p.m. The reason for their routine was Shivaay's therapy at 8:30 p.m. As he had requested, Annika kept the therapy sessions a secret from everyone except Rudra. This secrecy was why they chose to stay at AS Mansion at night.

Annika remembered how exhausted Shivaay had been after those therapy sessions. The therapy brought back old memories, triggering nightmares and panic attacks during the first two nights. She had seen the toll it took on him, how drained he looked afterward. Every night, she stayed by his side, offering him comfort and support. She had insisted that he take some rest, knowing how much he needed it.

But Shivaay, told her, Work gives him relief. She understood that for him, diving into his work was a way to escape the darkness that haunted him.

But by the third day, things began to improve. Yesterday was the final day of therapy, and now, Shivaay seemed to be doing much better. For the past three days, there had been no nightmares or panic attacks.

She had been quietly planning a way to give him a break. He needed time away from everything-work, stress, and the memories that haunted him. She wanted to take him somewhere peaceful where he could truly relax. And knowing how much he loved surprises, the thought of how excited he would be made her smile.

Shivaay finished a phone call and noticed her lost in thought.

"Anni?" he called, bringing her back to the present.

"Yes, ?" She asked turning towards him.

"You seemed lost. What's on your mind? What is making you smile?" he asked, looking at her with amusement.

She leaned on his shoulder, winding her arms around him; Looking at him playfully, she wishpered 'surprise' which made him curious.

" Come on wait for a little, you will get to know about it soon, " She wishpered with Chuckle seeing his curious expression. He made a puppy face but nodded.

Bending his head little down he placed a soft kiss on her hair while she looked at him with amusement.

" Do you think i will reveal about the suprise when you do this?, " She asked playfully.

"No, I didn't do it for that. I did it because I wanted to," he said with a shrug.

" Really?, " She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Really," He replied, mirroring her expression.. Both of them burst into laughter after that.

After their long drive, Shivaay and Annika walked into the Oberoi Mansion's hall.

Upon entering, they saw the Oberoi elders and youngsters, along with Ajay, Dev, Khanna, Vikram, Mallika, and Ridhima, all engaged in discussions in groups, and to Shivaay, it looked like they were having serious conversations.

"Finally, you both arrived. Why did you ask everyone to be here, Annika? What important matter do you want to discuss? You really enjoy wasting our time, don't you?" Ajay remarked when he saw them enter.

Annika rolled her eyes at him, and Ajay frowned as she ignored his words.

Shivaay looked at Annika in confusion and raised his eyebrows.

Annika didn't respond. Instead, she gestured for Shivaay to sit on the sofa, and he silently obliged. After he sat down, she took a seat beside him.

"What do you want to discuss, Anni?" Shivaay asked curiously.

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