46~'It feels good, so good'

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Another update!!!

Guyss you should vote if u want updates. Please vote on this and previous chapters....which you have ignored. If you will not engage then sorry....I will also not update. Atleast show something to me so i can also stay motivated. I am requesting.....just for votes in exchange of my hours of hardwork.

Target: 450 votes and on previous chapters too.

Meera pov~

"I always knew that you are the best husband, a perfect life partner any woman would wish for but beside this you are a perfect son, perfect brother and even a perfect father too. I am so happy that I choose to marry you, ranasa."

I said, my voice came little hoarse due to tears I was holding back in my throat.

He raised his head up from my lap and his teary eyes met mine. I felt a pang in my heart seeing his red, squeeched eyes and another tear roll down to his cheek.

I sucked on my lower lip and shake my head lightly wiping his undereyes. He keep his head back to my lap and I caress his nape.

"I am not" He paused wiping his wet eyes with my gown over thighs and continued.

"I am not a good husband, I falied to make you trust me meera; not even a good son, when my mother needed me I was not here and not even a good brother, I could not fill the hollow space in his heart. And about father.....I want to be the best but I do not know if-"

"You are" I intrupted. "You are my dream prince ranasa. It was my fears which make me doubt you and about a son that was not your fault, you could not do anything to fill up the space left empty by babasa in her heart. So do not blame yourself."

I stated and he look up at me.

"Yes, how can you blame yourself for the things which were never in your heart. And do not you dare to say that you will not be a best father, I swear I will kill you for this."

He chuckled a little as I raised my voice and a smile formed on my lips. He kept feathered my thighs and we did not speak. A thin yet warm silence followed the chilled wind when I decide to break the silence.

"Do not you think devarsa do not deserve all this?"

I asked hesitating as it is not my place to ask but still, if he want to tell. He shake his head slightly and sighed heavily.

"I know, but now he is a grown man. He changed alot than before, he has learnt to cover everything in his eyes with anger, all his emotions are now replaced by rage and fury because no one taught him what love is, not even me as I myself did not knew back then. I too do not interfere in his life now but I want him to change, to came out from his shell for someone and stop whatever he is doing with himself."

He answered and I nodded.


The night turned more windy and I lean forward to pull the comforter over us and laid down with him to my chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and I peck his forehead.

"But please do not ever hate him meera. Even if he is not my blood brother he is not less either. I....."

"What are you saying?"

I stopped him midway and slowly push his hairs back from his eyes. His fingers moved on my waist back and I added.

"Why would I hate him? I would never, he is like a brother to me too. When I came here as the family other than you I had devarsa only when maasa and babasa went back. He is elder than me in age yet he respects me so much and I do the same. I would never treat him any different but with more tenderness now."

Meera~The King's triumphant QueenWhere stories live. Discover now