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Optimus pov:

I had walked around the camp for the most part of the day and by the looks of it everyone was fine except        B-127.  Something was bothering him I could tell and it wasn't from the past. I walked up to him who was sitting on the edge of a platform foundation. I sat down beside him he looked deep in though and didn't notice me. "What's on you mind" I say he startled and almost fell off the edge. "O-optimus I didn't see you.....what did you ask me" he said confused. "I can tell something's on your mind what is it" I ask him. "Oh um well last night the........ Nevermind" he looked slightly spooked why. he finished and gets up and walked away. What was he not telling me it must be important.... but what. I thought I was getting close to the truth why didn't he want to become a autobot and why does he always reject to call someone his friend. 

bumblebees pov:

I hear some one speak I was so deep in thought about last night I didn't see them coming. I nearly fell off the edge. I looked back to see Optimus. "o-optimus I didn't see you.....what did you ask me" I questioned turning to face him. "I can tell something's on your mind what is it" I should tell him if it has to do with the allspark than he needs to know. "oh um well last night the" ~NO he must not know it is only for you~ I spooked me at first but I quickly reply. "nevermind" I say and get up and walk off. 'why can't I tell him he's a prime aren't you supposed to talk to each other. ~yes but this is something you must do on your own without him~ I sigh and walked around to look for highfire. I didn't see him so I guessed he was on patrol. i felt someone behind me and turned to look. 

"optimus" i say as i turn to greet him. "how about we go on patrol" finally get out of this camp. "sure i would lov-" then bam wrench to the back of the helm. "ow" i turn to see a angry ratchet. "i told you.... and no optimus he cant go" optimus looked like he was going to protest but then stopped. even he was slightly scared of the medic. he then glared at me another wrench between his digits. "o-ok i wont go out" he continued to look at me. "and what do we say" scrap i looked around no one was looking except rainshot, and cascade. they were going to make fun of me later but right now there's a angry wrech lord in front of me. "sorry ratchet" i confess. he looks satisfied and walks away.  

rainshot and cascade walk over to me. "let me guess banned from going outside again" rainshot commented. "yeah i don't know why i stick around this dump" cascade slapped me on the back. i stumbled forward almost falling over. "cas ya cant leave and hey this place isn't a dump-agg" he grumbled as ratchet threw a wrench at him to. "and no rough housing" he shouted across the camp. "primus i think he can hear everything" cascade grumbled picking up the wrench. "just trow it back at him" rainshot suggested. "no way are you trying to get me killed" cascade egzagerated. i laugh at the comment. "have you seen highfire lately" i asked. "i think he just left on patrol" wheeljack said as he walked by us. "thanks" i reply.

its almost night and he still isn't back. i know they last a long time but i couldn't help but worry. i grumbled at the thought of him being out of camp. it was driving me mad from being in here so long. i couldn't stand the thought of going back in my healing progression again. "frag this im going" i say to myself and get up off the berth i was siting on. ugg but here i'm a apprentice to a prime. but hes a autobot just another bot trying to get me to join their cause. but highfires he and hes my friend  realization struck me. I actually do consider him a friend. no I had to leave bad things happen to the bots I care about. i was going to leave and that was that. "third times the charm" i say and repack my small bag and put it in my subspace. 

i walk to the window and survey the ground. no one was there and highfire wasn't here to snitch perfect. i quickly make my way across camp and over the wall. i don't know where i'm going to go but i have to go somewhere. i think and slowly and quietly walk across the open field.  the night is bright as both moons are at their fullest. maybe not ideal for sneaking away but its still dark out. im almost to the scrap field when i hear the sound of a jet land and transform behind me. 'scarp' i turn around. "B-127 come on" it was highfire. "look i'm sorry but I can't stay" i plead hoping i won't have to run. "why you have nowhere else to go let the bots who want to help, help" he tries to reason with me. "you don't understand i....just cant you have to believe me"

he takes some steps closer and i back away. "no just tell me.. tell me why you have to leave" he is angry now but i can see the sadness in his optics. "TELL ME" he shouted. "no i jus-" he interrupts me. "NO TELL ME WHY" he angrily says. "BECAUSE THE BOTS I CARE ABOUT ALWAYS GET HURT OR WORSE and i wont let it happen to you guys too" he looked shocked and I turn away. "I'm sorry" I say and sprint into the scrap fields. I can hear him close behind. "B-127 please we can work things out ......... I just cant loose you too" I stop dead in my tracks.

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