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• Sarah's POV •

I sat watching the rain pouring off in the front window. The smell of coffee and the sound of people chatting their lives away made the scenery all better. I kept checking my phone for a sign of Robin. Nothing. I was interrupted from my thoughts as Jess tapped my shoulder.

"You okay Sarah? You seem a bit off today" Jess asked Sarah in a concerned tone.
"I'm fine girl. Just worried about Robin. He hasn't texted me all day" Sarah responded with a frown. Robin has been having troubles with his football club, Manchester United. He's really happy at United and he loves living in Manchester. I'm worried about what he's going through right now.

"I'm sure he's fine Sarah, he'll call you in no time!" Suha said with a smile.
"Suha is right Sarah, he's probably just busy" Mariam tagged along.
"Okay gals. You're probably right. Thank you" I said and held out my hands for a group hug. All the girls fell into my arms and my mood lifted. I'm so lucky to have these girls in my life. They're always there for me no matter what I go through.

The girls ordered their food and coffees and I kept watching my phone for a notification. I took a sip from my coffee and I heard a sound coming from my phone. From my excitement, I spilled the coffee on my favorite black blouse.
"Dammit!" I exclaimed as the girls rushed to wipe it off.
"Don't worry Sarah, I know the perfect remedy to get this out" Suha said as she pulled out an emergency beauty kit from her purse.

"Of course you'd have a solution suha" I said with a smile as she wiped the stain from my shirt. Suha is the caring one in our group. She's smart, beautiful and amazing friend.
"All clear!" Suha said as I looked down at my blouse. Stain's gone.
"You're a miracle worker Suha, thanks gal"
"I try" Suha replied with a grin.

I heard my phone buzzing on the table and I saw the caller ID. It was Robin. I rushed to pick it up and went to the restroom so there's a quiet place to speak. I picked up the phone to hear Robin speak in an unusual tone, I can tell something didn't go well.

"Babe meet me at home, we need to talk about something" Robin said.
"Okay babe, I'll be there in a bit. I love you" I replied
"I love you too babe" Robin said and I hung up the phone.

I rushed back to our table and told the girls that they need to drop me off at our house. Mariam offered to drive us and none of us seemed to put up an argument.
"We're going to the mall after we drop you off. We were hoping you can come" Jess said in a sad tone.
"It's okay gals, maybe I can meet you there after I get my situation sorted out" I offered.
"Sounds good" the girls said as we paid our bill and went to the car.

Mariam drove off to Robin & I's house that we've lived in for almost two years now. We've been dating ever since Robin signed for my favorite club, Manchester United. Robin & I met in a football charity event. I'll never forget that cheeky grin and beautiful eyes that made me fall at the first sight.

"Bye girls! See you later perhaps" I said as I stepped out of the car door and approached the front gate.
"Okay girl, good luck with your man!" Jess said and I chuckled. The gate opened and I was approached by Robin. He wrapped me in a warm hug and a soft endearing kiss on my lips.

"Hey babe, wanna talk now?" I said as our kiss faded.
"Yes it's really important" he said in a serious tone. Robin took my hand and sat on the couch and I fell into his lap. He stroked my hair as the words failed to come out of his mouth.

He held my hand and started to get his thoughts together.
"Babe....I'm moving to turkey" Robin said in a hesitant tone. I was shocked in hearing this. How can he leave Manchester and everything he loves here? How can he leave me?

"And this is a final decision?" I asked.
"Yes. I'll be flying to turkey for my medical and personal agreements tomorrow" he replied. My throat started to tighten and I tried to look at the positives rather than the negatives. I'm sure Robin will be happier at a new club and a new beginning.
"Okay this is a lot to take in but I believe we can make it" I finally said.
"The distance is nothing. We love each other more than anything so even though it'll be hard, we can still be together" I explained.

He rubbed his thumb on my hand and looked down at the ground. I can tell he wasn't convinced that staying together will be an easy thing. I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes.

"Robin, I love you. I can't live without you. The distance will work if you believe it will. Do you believe it will babe?"

"I do, Sarah. More than anything in this world, I believe in our love. But it's all so scary. Moving cities is one thing, moving countries is another. I know you can't leave everything behind, and I'm not gonna ask you to, either. But I can't stay. I know you're being strong only for me, and I also know you're just as scared as me, baby girl. I want to stay, I really do... This city has given me more in 3 years than I've gotten in my entire life - A PL trophy with the most beautiful club in the world, and the most beautiful and amazing girl walked into my life. And I don't want to leave."
I could feel the pain in his eyes. He knew me so well. I was trying so hard to hide my fear, but he read straight through my eyes. I want him to stay. I want him to stay at my favourite club, and I want him to stay here with me. And I'd give my all if it meant he could stay, but he can't. Falling in love with a footballer has it's advantages, and disadvantages. Here's the disadvantage. Distance is scary. I wanted to hold back my tears, but I can't anymore, they start running down my cheeks like a waterfall. Robin rubs off my tears with his thumb, his voice now cracking as he speaks up. "I'm so sorry, baby."
"Don't be sorry, Robin. It's for the better of you and the club. But distance is scary. Being without you is scary."
"Baby girl," he says, as he pulls me into his arms. I dig my face into the crook of his neck, as he wraps his arms around me. His mouth was right next to my ear, as he slowly whispered, "We'll make it, Sarah. Through all the distance and all the differences, we'll make it. And one day, when we're both ready, I'll marry you, and take you around with me everywhere. But for now, you have to concentrate on University, and I, on my job. And I promise you, my love, we'll make it. One day, we'll sit in our backyard with our kids, and we'll tell them stories how we fell in love, and how I had to go away, and how we're still together. Distance is just a number when our love is so strong! There's internet now, it'll be like I'm always here. And I'll visit you every chance I get, and I'll fly you down to Turkey whenever you're free. And we'll be together. Because I love you so very much, Sarah Louise Ashworth. I'd give up my all for you, but I know you'd never want me to, you're amazing like that. And I'm so blessed to have you. I love you."

Her face lit up as I said those words. I've never craved for someone's smile and touch as much as Sarah's. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds as I felt her breathe against my skin. Our lips touched and I felt her beating heart touching my chest. I pulled her on top of me on the sofa as we continued to kiss. I stroked her hair as the kiss continued to get more intense. She smelled of flowers and tasted like vanilla. Her lips felt so sweet and natural against mine. She comepleted me as no one else ever would. She is a part of me and my missing puzzle piece. I stroked my fingers on her back as she whispered how much loves me into my ears. I whispered back "you're mine forever baby, I love you so much"
I have never felt more comeplete than now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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