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bumblebees pov:

I stop dead in my tracks. I turn to face him he has colent leaking from his optics slightly but still there. "what do you mean by that" I ask. "i-h- when I was with the decepticons I had only one friend. he was my best friend and we planned to leave the cons together but they found out. and ..... shot a hole through spark in front of our battalion to serve as a warning" they shot his spark out. I walked up to him and hugged him. "highfire I'm not going to say I know how you feel because I don't but I know how I felt when..... when they tore my best friends spark out....... and when the killed my family and blew up my town and I know it hurts so much" I let him out and we were both leaking coolant. "B-127 I never knew" he added. "because I never told anyone" I confessed.

"please don't leave me look I'm still here just please don't leave"  he pleaded. I can't go but I can't stay. no I will stay for highfire. "highfire I ...... wont go but you have to promise me you wont take any unnecessary risks because I cant loose you ether" he looked at me and wiped the content from his optics and I did the same. "Deal" he replied.  I give a sigh and look back the way we came. "Hey I don't want to go back yet can we stay out longer" highfire suggested. "Any time but let's sneak back in I don't want another wrench to my helm" I joke. "I heard there's a good energon cafe down the way maybe it's still there" I look back at him he was only a little older than me around 19-20 (human years) "hey I can't go if it's a bar don't want to break two rules in one night. He looked confused at me. "I'm 15 (human years)" he laughed.

"I don't think it was one but who knows at this point" we walk off in the direction together. We walk out into a open field and I get a strange feeling like we're being watched. "Hey highfire do you feel that" I ask him. "Yeah maybe we should just head back I got a bad feeling" I nod in agreement. Guess we aren't staying out much longer. I hear a jets engine roar above me and look up. A jet transformers and jumps down on me pinning me. I look for there symbol their a con. "Highfire RUN!!" I shout. They might not hurt me but they will hurt highfire. "No I'm not leaving you" he shouted and ran at the con but another jet drops and pinned him to. "HIGHFIRE" I yell as he is pulled up onto his knees. "You to" the con says angryle to me aswell. I get up and onto my knees.  "What do you want to do with them" the first con that dropped asked the other.

"Hmmm that's a neutral but this one I remember you. Your the traitor I will tear out your spark" he hissed. No I couldn't let that happen not again. No no this is all my fault. I struggle against my cons grip. "Hehe lockstream this one seems to care about the traitor and you highfire death is to good for you" he hissed spewing spit out. "Hehe your right jinx I know just what to do" he whispered something into highfire's audio receptor and the fear in his optics grew. Whatever it was it was awful and I knew it to. "Jinx give him a good beat down first" the one named lockstream said to jinx. I felt a hard blow to my gut and gasped. And then more cam until I was leaking energon and coughing it up. They had done the same to highfire but more brutal. "you got to beat us now what do you want" I hissed at them. 

"only to make his life miserable" he said walking to highfire. "NO LEAVE HIM ALONE" I shout. And struggle against jinx. It earns me a punch to the face plant. lockstream activated one of his blades. "what's worst than death you may ask neutral" he ran one of his digest across highfire's wings. Oh no. "Its to take away a seekers ability's to FLY" he said slashing his blade though highfire's left wing. He yelled in pain. "No stop don't" I yelled but it was already done his wing lay broken on the ground covers in energon. I looked away but jinx grabbed my helm and made me watch. I watched as he slowly and painfully cut through highfire's right wing. "no" I whisper as the energon gushes out. He grabbed the two broken wings in his servos and crushed them. Loosening any hope to repair them. "You MONSTER" I shouted as he let highfire fall to the ground. "were done lets go jinx" he says and toys off. 

I sprint over to highfire. "I'm so sorry tis is alk my fault" I say hanging my helm. "Ilk get you back to camp I promise and I'm not going to leave not until they forced me out" I hang my helm and look over his mangled frame. "B-127 its not your fault look I'm *cough* still here" I look over him. 'No no no this is all my fault. All my fault. All my fault' I repeat over and over in my head. No I need to get him back to camp he will die if I dont. I slowly get up and pull him over my shoulder. he is heavy but I have to get back to camp he will die if I don't. "Primus give me strength"

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