finding out/planning

17 2 4

Friday, 22:10

Zoey was laying on the chouch, scrolling twitter endlesly looking for maybe some sort of entertainment or some stupid rabbit hole to dive down.
Eventually, she stumbled upon a re-tween from some random account with a minion for a profile picture, the person was re-tweeting a SpaceUk tweet stating how he had gon to the US, the person who re-tweeted it was saying some shit along the lines of "hacker man goes to the US (real)"

"Danm, thats wild"

Zoey looked at the original tweet and went to the comments, seeing space state that he was going to the same city that she was in right now

Zoey stared at the tweet for a while, eating some expired watermelon gummies

"...I could go and see him... Yea ima do that"

She sat up and got out an old looking notebook and began writing down the plan to go see him (without his consent)

"So I would leave my house at around 22:40 and get to the hotel where hes probably staying at... I would prob see him at around 23:00 I would.... Y'know
'talk' to him and go home at around 23:30..... Yep, seems like a plan"

Zoey began to get some things ready, like a water bottle, her phone, a sharp... Pointy... Shiny- and a microphone, she watched the news for a bit before she grabbed her bag and got into her car and began driving over to the hotel that space was probably at (the hotel had ggod service and had an afordable price so she assumed that he would probably be at that hotel)

"...hes gonna be flabergasted when he sees me"

Hi! I juts wanted to say that this fic might not be great and would have slow updates due to school but oh well
Thanks for reading this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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SpaceUk goes to the US and gets fucking killed by paqoe/zoeyWhere stories live. Discover now