chapter 1

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It was storming but i didn't care. I couldn't stay there anymore, I was tired of them abusing me verbally and physically. I kept running I didn't care who I bumped into. Well I wish I didn't say that. I bumped into someone and I look up to see Earl Phantomhive, i was terrified.

"Are you ok young lady?" he said with worry in his eyes. I was so terrified that i couldn't utter a thing.  " ......Sebastian...get her, she's coming back to the manor.

The butler looked surprised but nodded and said,"Yes young master." He then helped me up. "You should not worry...everything will be fine.." Earl phantomhive stated as the carriage set off for the destination.
I hope u like this one I will update my vampire king soon I had a little writers block I hope to update soon. And sorry it's a short chapter.

Edit: did some editing hope you like it

He really is one hell of a butler Sebastian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now