World of Dreams...!!!

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Welcome to the Magical World...!

Once upon a time, there was a girl of 7 years old named “Mallika”. She was so cheerful, happy go lucky nature and cutie personality. She was only child of her parents & apple of an eye of their parents.

She & her family spent amazing life everyday but one night, strange thing happened. When the girl was sleeping, suddenly she woke up from her sleep, got up from her bed & walked to the window which is beside her bed in the room. She was staring at the thin half moon & stars in the sky. It was a dark night & moon was looking so beautiful, stars shining & breeze was going on outside, full atmosphere was so cherishing.

As a sudden, she saw a glittery rainbow was coming towards her house & right in front of her eyes the rainbow came from the window to the ground. She was astonished by seeing this and said “Wow…!!! What an amazing rainbow. I can’t believe it, that a rainbow comes in night without any rain & it’s so glittery so mesmerizing view” & all of a sudden she realize that she can walk on it & she starts walking on the rainbow and soon she reached at the top of sky among clouds, breeze was going around and all was so astonishing. She was also frightening with all of that but also enjoying that view.

When she reached on the top, at the middle of rainbow, she saw a cloud which comes near of her. She said to herself “Wow…!!! It’s amazing, a cloud came for taking me away in the huge sky like a ride, fantastic.” She was so happy by saw all that things. She slightly walked up on that cloud and goes with that cloud. That cloud took that girl to near the moon. After reaching to the moon, she gradually touched the moon. She felt too cold but still she jumped on that half thin moon & rest there. While resting on the moon, she took a nap & went to a deep sleep.

Abruptly, she awake & saw its dawn & obviously she was in the sky so the view is so beautiful of the time of dawn but all at once she also realized & worried about that she was on the top & how will she get back to her home. This question was annoying her.

Straight away, she saw a Pegasus was coming towards her. Pegasus said, “Hey Mallika, come sit on me, I will take you above in the sky in your palace of “World of Dreams”. Mallika said, “Hey, You…Pegasus, You can talk.” Pegasus said, ”Aahaaan…!!!, Of course I can speak, and my name is Eliana” Mallika said, ”Wow, it’s amazing, and what did you earlier said that in my palace of “World of Dreams”, what was all that?” Pegasus said, “Ohhhk, You such ask too much questions, I know you are very curious to know about everything but first calm down & trust me & come with me.” Mallika said, “Ok”. Mallika went with that Pegasus “Eliana” & reached a place which was so heavenly.

After reaching that palace, Mallika was so amazed to saw that place. After that Mallika came to know that she was “The Mallika” of this Kingdom of “World of Dreams”. She got excited & felt weird also, that how she became to be a Mallika of World of Dreams from ordinary Mallika. She got surprised but had enjoying all those things which was happening to her. Pegasus told her that we were waiting for a long time to this happen. Yes you are the one for whom we were waiting for because you are the one who is Mallika & your responsibility is to make dream true of every human whose dream is genuine & whose heart is pure & have faith that his/her dream will become true someday, that’s why your name is Mallika, Mallika of World of Dreams “so, don’t let make us wait & hurry to anoint of Mallika & then she would be our Mallika of our Kingdom of World of Dreams. And soon all process happened & Mallika became the Mallika of World of Dreams.

After that Mallika again wanted to have a ride on Pegasus Eliana & she rode over Eliana. Suddenly, Mallika got shaken & one sound was coming to her that “wake up Mallika, wake up!” & her sleep break & she found herself in her bedroom & her mother was waking her up. Her mother told her that she would be late for her school. After that she said to herself, “Oh it was a dream only & laugh at herself”. She also told her mom about that dream & her mom also laughs & then she went for her school.

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