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A/N y'all I'm so sorry I forgot he had door wings well I forgot that they could show expressions and emotions so theirs a lot of that in here. And sorry if you have already read it but it was my mistake and bee is actually 15 here and not 16. also my page glitched out and I had to re wright the last bit I made a few changes so you might want to look back over it. 

bumblebees pov:

I feel someone stop me by putting their servor on my shoulder. I turn around to see highfire and the rest of them. "B-127 what the frag was that" rainshot commented from behind. "you wouldn't get it" I say and keep walking until the stop me in one of the abandon buildings. I go here to get alone away from other bots. "what aren't you telling me....us" I turn around to see the concerned looks on their faces. "Optimus told us about your family and friend but never that you were abandon" I look at them I can feel my rage intensify. "you don't get it you never will" highfire steps forward. "no but I can know how you feel" I feel the grip on my spark loosen and my fist unclench. "fine" I look away as I explain " .....kickback and nova were never my real parents" I can feel the shock coming off them.

"my real parents abandon me in a alleyway. when i was only 5-6 ....... its so hard to watch bot after bot walk past you in the adoption center just because you were small or weak or to have someone say they will take care of you only to be abandon again just because they thought you wouldn't survive in the war" I turn away from them and look at the ground. "over and over then having to watch the only ones who really cared about you killed" I felt a servor being placed between my door wings. it was sensitive but soothing. "I never knew" I heard the caring voice of Optimus prime behind me. I turn around how could such a big bot be so quiet. I glare at him. "so now it ok to just invade my privacy" I hiss. the others looked terrified.

"B-127 I'm sorry if you felt like we were going to abandon you but that is never farther from the truth" the others nodded in agreement. I looked at them my door wings perk up with a small amount of rage but also happiness. why he could just be lying but why would he go though so much trouble to make me trust him. agggg he was such a confusing bot. I turn back around to think. "so what I'm just supposed to believe you" I reply coldly. He gave a sigh and looked at me. "Why do you hate the autobots" he asked me my rage bubbles over the top. "why WHY I HATE THEM BECAUSE EVERYONE I EVER LOVED OR CARED ABOUT IS EITHER DEAD INJURED OR STRAIGHT UP ABANDONED ME BECAUSE OF THERE LOYALTY TO THE AUTOBOT'S" I yell they and search their faces for a answer.

I see the fear in there optics. Why would they be scared it four on one. "You need to calm down" why I look over into one of the remaining windows and see the reflection of red optics. 'Those were mine' I think to myself but push away the thought. "B-127 I'm sorry we were just trying to help" I snap my helm to rainshot who spoke the words. "if you really wanted to help than you would have let me leave" I can feel the sadness of highfire. "you promised you would stay" he argued. "but all that happens when I stay is the bots around me get hurt" I say explaining. Optimus tries to come up and place his servor on my she but I back away. "Please we just want to help" cascade pleaded. "aggg don't you get it you can't help" I say I look down at my servor it unknowingly transformed into a gun. I quickly deactivate it and fight back to rage inside me. This is not me. I shake my helm trying to push it away but its strong.

~fight it my sweet bee you can do it~ I hear the young voice in my helm. "B-127 are you ok" I hear the confusion in highfires voice. "No he is fighting a battle within himself and there is nothing we can do to help" I hear optimus speak. I close my optics and turn away and shack my helm. No I no I can't I don't want to hurt them. 'whats happening to me' I ask. ~i cannot reveal that not yet~ well can you stop it I can't...I don't want to hurt them. ~no I'm sorry I can't~ I stumbled backwards up against a wall for support. Something wants me to hurt them but I won't let it I can't. "B-127 were here for you" rainshot said walking up to me. "No stay back I can't" I cut off when I almost swing on her. No I couldn't hurt them. This isn't me something wants me to hurt them and it not just my rage. this was something else.

highfires pov:

what's wrong with him. I look at the others and rain shot backed up to the group. "what's happening" I asked. no response not even Optimus knew. "someone go get ratchet" cascade offerd. "I'll go" I say and run out the door I can hear the sound of metal scraping against metal. 'he's hurting himself' I run faster across the open camp and into the med tent. "RATCHET" I yell and he walks out from the back. "what is it highfi- what's wrong" he said and walked to me placing down the data pad he was holding. "i-its B-127 h-hes gone rogue a-and ratchet his optics are red again" I studer out and he gets a serious look on his faceplant. "ratchets what's wrong with him" I get no reply. instead he runs and grabs a syringe gun. "what are yo-" he cut me off. "no time where is he" he says sternly and I wave my servor for him to fallow and run out the door. 

"highfire I need you to distract him but be ready to doge if it gets dicey" we are sprinting now and of course it one of the farthest buildings away. "why did I need to doge" I ask but he ignores me. "I'll go around back lets just hope to primus he hasn't hurt anyone already. I nodded and run in to be meet with a angry b-127. "b-127 you need to calm down" I say walking up to him. he had his back turned to me and his helm was resting on one of the walls. "no no no no" he wished and only I could hear. "look its going to be ok" I say and rest my servor on his shoulder. he wipes around shoving me away and to the ground. I let out a small cry of pain when I fall on my back the wounds were my wings should be feel like hot knifes are digging into them but the pain is short lived. "no no no I didn't mean to I'm sorry" he says backing away from me.

I see ratchet sneaking up from behind holding the syringe gun. he leaps forward plunging it into B-127 neck cables. then quickly retracts it as B-127 begins to stubble and his optics flash from blue to red again. I rush forward after I got up to catch him before he hit the ground he was out cold. I glare at ratchet thinking he had done the worst. "don't worry its just a sedative he'll wake up" he replies and looks to Optimus. who just shakes his head. "we need to get him to the med tent" rainshot added in. "yes and we should hurry we don't know if this cased any serious damage" cascade walked over to my position on the floor. I was on my knees holding him up against my chassis fearing for my young friend and for a moment thought if I should deny cascade and carry him myself like he had done for me but it would be pointless.I let cascade take him and bride style carry him. how it pained me to see the bot who had carried me for miles to look almost lifeless. I shook my halm and Optimus helped me off the floor.  

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