Chapter 1: The Siege of Rolst

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This story takes place in a land called Vern-Kaval in the 18,793rd year of the second era. Vern-Kaval is a land run throughout with many fantastical creatures to the likes of us folk, but to the people of Vern-Kaval each one of these creatures posses a dangerous and very real threat. Most of the creatures inhabitants of Vern-Kaval, the mortals included, must eat something to survive, as such they commonly attack and feast on one another. Although that sounds quite cannibalistic and barbaric so let me explain: it is not meant in such a way as to mean people are eating other people(although that happens too, albeit less commonly). What I mean is much more kingdom of life and natural such as a pack of wind drakes attacking a caravan and eating the  people and horses whole. 

See? that sounds much less barbaric then cannibalism.

Continuing on, the mortals of Vern-Kaval, by which I am speaking of any race that resembles our own human race including but not limited to; humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, half-elves, demon-folk, dragon-folk, halflings, and more. These mortals of Vern-Kaval keep themselves well protected within their city walls and guarded caravans, towns are watched by guards, villages are manned by militias, and kingdoms raise armies to defend their territories. A delict balance has been worked out through thousands of years and war and raids, mortals hold their territories and tend not to invade each others lest war break out. Meanwhile each kingdom does its best to protect its citizens from the more monstrous  inhabitants of the land such as drakes, dragons, undead, and many other denizens.

Now that you have a base understanding of where this world takes place lets begin our journey, from here on out the story gets darker...


Near the southern border night begins to fall on the city of Rolst, as the last rays of sunlight stretch across the city lanterns and candles are lit and the city-folk retire to their houses. The day guard peruses the walls lazily, eyes drifting over the city as it begins to turn in for the night, they abandon their watch as per usual to delight in the sunset before the night guard comes to relive them of their post. In the Market place merchants gather their wares and head for the guild hall to rest for the night, the merchants who wished to move to other cities had already left to travel the long winding roads many hours before dark. The laughter of children playing in the streets is ended as mothers and fathers call from their doors and windows to their young ones, beckoning them to return home and be tucked in as the light fades beyond the horizon.

Once the curtain of night is pulled firmly across the city, all fall silent other then the din of the nigh time insects or occasional groan of cattle.  Lights within homes are eventually smothered and the stars of the sky, no longer hidden by the city light begin to twinkle. The night guards watch the land beyond the walls seeing if they can spot a hunting fox or owl along the edge of the woods. The night guards were primarily elven, dwarvish, or half-elven due to their innate ability to see better in the dark, as the night went on their eyes adjusted quite well and allowed them to see better than the average human would. Within a hour of dusk the night guard would lay atop the walls and watch the night sky as it slowly become more and more vibrant with stars, they would make bets occasionally if they would see any Illystir, a vibrant and colorful sky bound creature. A Illystir is a beautiful creature that looks like a long eel with 8 sets of wings down its body, its skin shimmers in a rainbow pattern. Illystir are said to feed upon starlight, which gives them their beatuiful shimmering hide, they are a peaceful and pleasant creature, one that not even drakes or dragons feed upon.  

It is said that one who sees a Illystir is blessed with seven days of good luck...

No Illystir were seen this night and for good reason, good luck was the furthest thing from what the people of Rolst would be experiencing on this night.

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