Chapter 8: It Takes 60 Seconds.

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Four years had passed since their journey began. Azael was now 12, Red 13, Meliodas 20, and Clea 18. The years had been filled with intense training and searching, but the demon lords remained elusive. Azael, under Clea's guidance, had honed his combat skills, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Meliodas, driven by his own determination, trained alone, pushing his limits to unprecedented heights. Red, meanwhile, continued to grapple with his magical abilities, struggling to unlock their secrets. Despite the challenges, the four friends remained united.

Going back 2 years ago, in the forest of Valkrim, Azael is trying to help Red with his possible magical ability, while Meliodas is on his training, and Clea is watching both Azael and Red.

Azael: All right, from what Meliodas and Clea told me about your ability...

As he is explaining, Red goes back to the moment he used it. The way he moved, so fast and swiftly.

Azael: It's an explosive kind of ability, explosive speed, strength, and even increased vision. I actually have the same ability.

Red: Really?

Azael: Yep, I call it, well, my brother calls it... Apex Surge.

Red: *In his head* Apex Surge.

Azael: But unlike yours, my ability isn't actually a magical ability. It's more of a... actually, I can't explain it.

Red: [Scoffs]

Azael: Now, in order to teach you, I have to show you.

He put his hands together in a cross x form. His purple magic circle appeared right under his feet.

Azael: Magic, release.

It cracked and disappeared.

Red: What'd you just do?

Clea: *In her head* His magical ability, it's gone? But what was it actually?

Azael: I released my magical ability. By doing so, I can't use it.

Red: Why?

Azael: I have a brother, his name is Arc Whirlwind, unlike my siblings and I, he wasn't born with any magical abilities, so he used his strength and power, training his body to expand the physical power fallen angels have. He spent over a century manifesting that kind of explosive power. Because I don't have the full strength of my magical ability, he spent a full month training me to harness the ability he calls, Apex Surge.

Red: Woah.

Azael: But there's a downside to me using Apex Surge, I can only hold it for a full 60 seconds.

Red and Clea: What!?

Clea: *In her head* Only 60? That's too bad, and very useless.

Red: So...

Azael: So, you need to watch carefully. Okay?

Red: Can't you just...

Azael: Use it over and over again? No, after the 60 seconds, I'm completely helpless, and I can only regain my strength after 24 hours, it also includes my magical power.

Clea: What kind of an ability is that!?

Azael: A very powerful one, trust me, it's really awesome. [Steps back] Look Red, an explosive power like Apex Surge is a useful technique, and if it's your magical ability, then that means you won't have any problems with something like a weakness or a time limit.

Red: [Shows determination] Right, I'll try my best, Azael.

Azael: *In his head* I know you will, my friend. [Grinning]

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