Chapter 12: The Children Of Pride Pt.2.

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Hael's victory over Red has earned him recognition among the demon lords, but his true power is only just beginning to unfold. Summoned by Lucifer himself, Hael is tasked with unleashing his full potential by reuniting with his formidable siblings.

Together, they will bring chaos to the realms of the Fallen, Heaven, and Hell. The stage is set for a clash of titans, as Hael and his siblings prepare to take on the angelic host and claim their rightful place among the forces of darkness. The question is, will anyone be able to stop them?

Hael is with his siblings in the dining room, eating breakfast.

Vael: So, how long has it been?

Hael: 200 years.

Kael: Are you for real!?

Hael: Yep, father had other plans for the war, and it didn't involve you.

Kaegen: [Scoffs] Wow, other plans, huh? Ha! Like those other plans were gonna stop us from showing up?

Hael: Look, we don't have the time to discuss useless topics.

Raea: Chin up brother, immortality isn't fun when you're always serious.

Hael: "Immortality." Look, there's somebody who killed Lyraeus and Marine.

Lael: Did you show no mercy?

Hael: I let them go.

Kaegen: [Chokes on his drink] You? "Let them go?" Haha! Who would've expected!? Hael, the softy! It catches on.

Vael: [Laughing] Oh, Hael, you've changed. I remember when you'd slaughter entire legions without batting an eye.

Hael: [Serious] That was then. Now, I have a purpose. And it involves all of us.

Kael: [Intrigued] What kind of purpose?

Hael: [Leaning in] Lucifer's plan to bring chaos to the realms. And we're the key.

Raea: [Smiling mischievously] Oh, I love chaos.

Lael: [Curious] What's the plan, Hael?

Hael: [Eyes gleaming] We'll start by taking down the angelic host. Then, we'll bring Hell and Heaven to their knees.

Kaegen: [Grinning] And what about Father's role in all this?

Hael: [Confidently] Lucifer will guide us, but we'll be the ones wielding the power.

Vael: [Impressed] You've really become something, Hael. A true leader.

Hael: [Standing up] Enough talk. We have work to do. Our reunion is just the beginning.

As Hael rises, his siblings follow suit, their eyes burning with anticipation. The stage is set for a catastrophic clash of powers, with Hael and his siblings at the forefront. The question remains: who can stop them?

Time passed a little, and the siblings are in the training arena, the green eyed are ready to be used as punching bags.

The group faced off against a horde of Green-Eyed demons, their mid-ranked powers a perfect test for the siblings' abilities. Kael, Raea, Lael, and Kaegen stood ready, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Kael began, unleashing a burst of Crimson Blaze that sent him speeding towards the demons. He struck with incredible force, his blows crushing demons with ease.

Raea followed with a wave of Crimson Burn, her flames igniting the air itself. However, since Crimson Burn is the most powerful flame, I'll reinterpret it as a intense, concentrated energy release. Raea unleashed a focused blast of energy that obliterated demons in its path.

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