Chapter 1: The first day of the rest of our (love) lives!

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Vicky POV:

It was magical. I was finally happy, walking up to my crush to ask them to prom. There they were, right there. Waiting for me to approach them. I finally did, confessing to them happily, anxiously waiting for a response. All that came out of their mouth was-


I then suddenly woke up and groaned slightly, turning off my alarm. “It’s too early for this…” I got up and walked into the bathroom, giving myself an energy boost with my charger.

I had some breakfast and was waiting for the others to get here, suddenly there was a car honking outside my house. I knew it was Brian’s, since he’s the only one responsible aside from Oz to drive. I smiled brightly and ran out the house excitedly, hopping in the backseat. Amira looked at me and chuckled.

“Dang girl, I ain’t never seen you run out the house that quickly.” Amira chuckled. I rolled my eyes and smiled. “This is the time I finally hang out with my crush and make them fall in love with me!!” I squealed. Oz also looked at me from the front seat, chuckling slightly. “The amount of times you say that and it never happens is astounding to me.” Brian shook his head at that comment. I huffed. “You’ll see! I’ll confess as soon as the time is right!”

Brian looked at me from the rear view mirror. “You’re waiting until prom to do that, aren’t you?” I blushed in embarrassment and huffed. “Maybe..But not the point!”

The three of them sighed and chuckled at my comment. Soon enough after that conversation, we were at the school.

Oh yea, I forgot to say who my crush was. Well, It’s kinda complicated. You see, I have two. Damien LeVay and Scott Howl. Both of them are unique in their own ways, so it’s hard for me to choose just one. I can’t help but blush at the thought of them. Soon, I was shaken out of my trance when I accidentally bumped into someone. “Oh no! I’m so sorry!” The one I bumped into chuckled. “Hey hey, it’s ok really! It was an accident, Vicky!” It was Scott. At least he didn’t seem upset, but then again, he doesn’t get upset that easily. He’s just a little gullible sometimes.

I smiled at him. “Oh, Hi Scott!! How was the game last night? Sorry I couldn’t make it, I was super busy!” Yeah, being busy with Amira on the phone, trying not to break down over my crush crisis- “It was great!! And it’s ok, I understand being busy. I just hope you can make it to the next one, it’s right before prom!” He exclaimed happily. I giggled. “Count me in!” I spoke happily. After we talked some more, he headed off to the gym while I decided to stay in class.

I was busy drawing away in my book instead of paying attention, humming softly to myself. That was until someone tapped on my desk. I looked up to see Oz. I smiled at him. “Heya Ozzy! What’s up?” The small little shadowling on his shoulder began to whisper to him. I tilted my head in confusion. “What’s up, Ozzy Oz?” He took a deep, shaky breath before sighing softly. “I uh.. I think I have a crush on someone too..” I quirked a brow. “Who?”

He then looked behind me, so I turned around and saw the two, my eyes widening in surprise and sparkling. “Ooo!! You like Polly?” I looked back at him, happily whispering. Oz nodded. “I don’t know what it is! I love how amazing and light she can be! She just has this energy around her that calms me..And it makes me fall for her even more…I can’t get her out of my head.” I giggled. “Aww!~ Ozzy, that’s adorable!!~” Oz grumbled and huffed.

Soon enough, it was lunch time. Me, Oz, Brian and Amira all sit at one table. I looked around and smirked. “Soooo….Who else got their eyes on someone?~” Brian and Amira perked up at the mention of what I said. Brian sighed. “Ok…I will admit. Vera’s actually caught my attention.” I gasped and giggled happily. “Oooh! I can totally see it!! It would be so cute to see the whole Duncney dynamic between you two!!” Brian sighed and blushed a bit, looking away. 

I then looked at Amira and stared at her with a smirk. Amira blushed and rolled her eyes, sighing. “Ok ok, if it’ll do ya some good…I may have a thing for Zoe..I just..I deeply appreciate the flaming passion Zoe puts into everything she loves, even if it gets a little weird at times. I don’t know how to describe it.” I giggled happily. “Oh boy!! This is so exciting!!~ Just we wait, we’ll get our crushes to like us back, even if it means we have to fight an interdimensional monster to do it!!~” 

We all smiled. “Yeah!!~” Luckily, everyone was too busy paying attention to themselves than to what we were doing. That would’ve been embarrassing!
Yes I made a Total Drama reference, leave me alone-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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