All the guys are the same

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Maya's pov

Chloe: Is Richard still in your class?
Me: Yeah😍 but so does Sophie🤮
Chloe: Good Luck with that 👍🏻. Tell me more.
Me: Right, sooo... I was walking to my class, like usual, nothing was happening and I saw Zoe with a guy, imagine🤯
Chloe: I was expecting something like that from her. And who was with her?
Me: I didn't recognize him, but I think I saw him with some other girls too.
Chloe: Poor Zoe😔
Me: And now the details.

<< I entered my class. The professor was already there so I calmly sat down at my place, this time next to Amelia, and paid attention to what the teacher was talking about.

Then at cafeteria, I saw again the same guy making out with another girl. I hope Zoe didn't see that. After the lunchtime, I had art. And there I saw the bitch in miniskirt with here minions and the little pats around. She glared at me like I was a trash,but I'm not a mirror for her. And the biggest surprise when I looked around: Zoe, that guy and Richard, all sitting around one table.

Zoe waved at me and I sat next to her. I learned that the already remarkable new guy's name was Andrew. He is new in town but already had so many girls around him. Richard wasn't stopping his lovely glares at Sophie, ugh. And Andrew was looking and smiling at me all the time. No way I will get into his trap. I hate players like him. That's why I liked Richard so much, he has good humor, he is super intelligent, very handsome and so kind.

For a moment I have gone to take more material for my project, when I returned to my place, I saw my whole painting in water, literally. I was getting really angry when I saw Andrew laughing.

"There is something funny that I can't see. Or is this the effect of your empty brain" I said extremely furious.

"You bitch, how dare you speak to me like that, apologize right now or"

"Or what. What will you do. No, actually, look what I can do. Mrs. Robert, Andrew spilled water on my painting." Huh, eat that.

" Detention for Mr. Jones, and you owe an apology for Miss Parker." said Mrs. Robert.

" I'm waiting" I said with a satisfied smile on my face.

" You will regret that" he whispered to my ear while his eyes were getting darker.>>

Chloe: Yes girl, that's right, he needs to know his place.
Me: He really has a big opinion of himself. When I left school, I saw that asshole with that bitch in a car, which I think was his.
Chloe: No way.
Me: Yes way, and you should be glad you didn't see that nightmare 🤮

<< I was ready to sleep when my mom said that we were having guests, their colleague's family. I didn't want to stay and talk with some unknowns so I told her that I will go out with Zoe, she invited me to a party, I guess it's better. I put on jeans and white t-shirt and got out.

Zoe was waiting. And again guess who was there. The painting ruiner. I sat down with a neutral face, I wasn't paying attention to him and surprisingly he didn't say anything either. I guess the battle is over. >>

Chloe: I guess you should be happy, there is the drama you wanted in your life.
Me: Listen till the end, the drama hasn't come yet.

<< I had my coke in my hands, the music was nice, people too. I was just sitting, waiting for Zoe to get tired and to go home. But, I heard some noises outside, I went to see what was going on, and I saw Richard lying on the ground, Andrew in front of him with blood on his fingers. I didn't understand what was going on. Andrew punched Richard again, he hit him back. What the hell were they doing. And after a moment I saw Sophie in the corner, tears on her eyes. Oh, I got that. Richard saw his girlfriend ( now ex-girlfriend) hooking up with Andrew.>>

Chloe: Guys, every time like this. And that bitch thinks that tears will help her🤢
Me: High-five, totally agree with you 👍🏻

<< During the party I saw Richard sitting sad on the sofa surrounded by a bunch of girls but I was shocked when a girl sat on his knees and he didn't reject her, on the contrary he allowed her to sit and to kiss him.>>

Chloe: What an asshole. Do you still like him?
Me: You are not the only one who reacted like that and hell no, I disliked him a long time ago when he got a girlfriend.
Chloe: Glad to hear that.
Me: But I'm really disappointed in him. I thought he was a nice guy but eventually no, all the guys are the same.
Chloe: Don't think a lot about it, you still need to see him at school, art class, so just ghost him.
Me: 😔🫡

A/N: Hey guys, how are you? I hope you enjoy the story, let me know your opinions in comment, and please vote🥺 Thanks 😘

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