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We See Jackie and Izuku Driving as They Are Driving past the mall as Izuku Saw Mandalay and Fuyumi

Izuku: Stop the Truck 

Jackie; why

Izuku: My Girls are in the mall 

Jackie: Fine 

Izuku jumped out and Ran as he snuck up on his Girlfriends 

Izuku: Hey You Two Sexy Women

Mandalay/Fuyumi: IZUKU What are you doing Here 

Izuku: Well Um We better sit down and Talk

They sat down at a Cafe as Izuku Explained everything about the Memory Chips,The New Job and Their Plan 

Mandalay: So You can see your dead Dad 

Fuyumi: and a Random Dead Dude 

Mandalay: and Now are here to Take Down Arasaka 

Izuku: Yep 

JS: Have to Admit You have some Smokin Hot Babes 

David: at Least he gets some 

Izuku: *Face palms* Shut the fuck up you too 

Fuyumi: This is Going to take some Getting Used to 

Izuku: How do you Think I feel 

David: I mean it Isn't my fault 

Izuku: *Looks over* Fuck you 

The Direction Iuzku was looking was a family and there was a Kid as he was crying

Mandalay: sorry It's His Quirk he can see Ghosts 

Father: Shit That's gotta suck 

Fuyumi: It does 

JS: These Bi-

Izuku: *Sigh* I wish I can Bitch Slap you 

Fuyumi: Okay Moving on so your here where you living 

Izuku: in the same neighbor Hood as you......I'm pretty sure were Neighbors 

Fuyumi: Ah fuck 

Mandalay: Well Endeavor will be pissed 

David: Who's Endeavor 

Izuku: an Asshole Hero who abuses his Family 

JS: Just Kill him and if his Kids are fire users Cremate his body 

Izuku: a Kid can't Kill his or Her own father 

David: I mean you can

Izuku: *Shakes head side to side in understanding way* I mean True

Mandalay: I'm scared to ask 

Fuyumi: me too

Izuku: Oh Just a Mutural conversation about Killing your dad 

Fuyumi: Shoto and Shoka always do that 

They Had Lunch and Walked around the mall as Izuku walked inbetween his Two girlfriends who held his hands

Izuku: *Smiles* I'm Glad I Get to be closer with You Two

Both: We are Too *Puts his arms in-between their breasts*

Fuyumi: Oh do you have a Job

Izuku: No 

Mandalay: hey Maybe you can talk with Fuyumi's Boss 

Fuyumi: Yea You can be security

Izuku: That'd Be Great 

They Talked more and More unaware they were being watched as the Person went in the Ally as it was 

They Talked more and More unaware they were being watched as the Person went in the Ally as it was 

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Dabi: Little sis has a Boyfriend huh.....and He wants to Kill that Piece of shit *Smirks Evily* Well Looks like I have some planning to do 

Dabi walked deeper in the Ally ready to Kill his father and he was Hoping Fuyumi's New boyfriend would be a Big Help to him after all Endeavor is a Big Big Piece of shit as with Izuku him and his girlfriends were heading to UA to talk with Nezu





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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