What defines us?

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You groan as you felt really guilty about arriving late to Shinjuku. When you arrived, you saw Satoru standing in a distressed manner.

Later on, you gave her some time to herself at the staircase. As you were walking to her you encountered Yaga. Yaga didn't say a word but gave you a look that you understood. 'Console her. You're the only one she'll accept advice from'. You walk down and sat next to her. An awkward silence broke out as you and Satoru were quiet sitting next to each other

"...You doing good?" You asked awkwardly

"What do you think." Satoru responded, with a upset tone

"Right, stupid question. My bad."

"Hey.. Y/N. What do you think of me?"

"Huh? Oh well, you're a interesting girl. You're so enthusiastic and teasing that it has a charm to it. Sometimes it gets annoying but that's just how teasing is. I find it, pretty attractive that you're beautiful and strong at the same time."

"Flattering. So what do you think defines me?"

"What defines you is you. Your personality and attitude."

"Not my strength?"

"Nah. Why these questions though?"

"Because Suguru asked if I define my strength or if my strength defines who I am."

"Ah, a identity question."

"Have you ever... wished you had a normal life? One where you're not isolated or targeted because of your birth rights?"

"I mean, I sorta did before."

Satoru looks at you irritated

"I mean... I'm not so sure. I believe both is fine. In the occasion that you're born gifted, like you. I'd keep hope that there's someone who views me as an individual, not just a figure of strength."

"So like you... and Suguru"


"You described what you and Suguru are to me. Everyone viewed me as the strongest but not as a person. Until you and Suguru came. You both treated me like a genuine person. A actual human being. True best friends."

"Well, I'm in your position now. I'm treated like a murderer due to my bloodline being related to Sukuna. Most people look at me like I'm Sukuna himself."

Satoru chuckles

"What's so funny?"

"A bunch of misfits sticking together. That's what we basically are."


Silence broke out between you two again.

"Hey, Y/N. Normal girls are all about romance right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You think I can get into romance? Like find a lover and stuff?"

"If you have no chance, then nobody would."

"I guess so."

"But normal people would be weirded out by Jujutsu, and sorcerers have an unfortunately high rate of death."

"Yeah, unless said person is strong. Im looking for a guy."

"But who's a strong male sorcerer?"

Satoru blinks at you, her face practically saying 'what and idiot'


"Not Suguru you dimwit, I'm talking about you!" Satoru yelled, her face flushed red afterwards


"I don't know why but I think I have feelings for you."

"Not Suguru?"



"I don't know. Maybe because you're just so dumb...?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Let me rephrase that. I think the fact that you follow your heart and don't care if your life is on the line to protect others is attractive. You fight not to prove a point, but to protect and improve."


"Well? Do you... feel the same?"

"I've only seen you as a friend.."

"Shame. I guess I'll just have to win your heart then."

"...what do you mean."

Satoru stands up as she pointed at you, declaring something. "Be prepared for my secret technique!"

"Purple?" You ask

"Flirting!" Satoru answers

Good luck, imagine Satoru flirting.

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't really do much since I wanted to set up the start of the relationship

Female Gojo x Sukuna-inspired Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now