Stop the Clock

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It was pouring rain in the Ozark Mountains, Christian's coat was the only thing keeping the rain from soaking through  clothes. His hair was stuck to his forehead and he was searching for some kind of cover. You might be wondering what is a boy doing out here on the side of a mountain in a thunderstorm? Its nearly pitch black out here and the rain makes it even worse to see.  Well 17 year old Christian Wills was looking for something dangerous to do, he had a desire for adventure even if it meant being in a horrible place like this. He brushed his brown curly hair out of his eyes and kept trudging through the slick mud. He held onto to trees to keep himself steady and had one coat, a t-shirt, pants, old sneakers, and a book-bag with some granola bars and one bottle of water. He got up to a small flat area of ground to sit down at. He was exhausted and started searching through his bag.
"Why the hell would I only bring granola bars these taste horrible too. What was I thinking?!" He yelled into the heavy rain.
He rips one open and reluctantly eats it and looks around. Everything is muddy, all there is stupid trees and mud and rocks. Christian takes a deep breath and stands up. He walks about a 1/4 mile more until he sees a perfect square shape of land. No trees, rocks, vines, still mud though. He bends down and kicks the mud away and feels concrete. He looks around him worried, becuase why would there be a random concrete square in the middle of a mountain?
He sloshes all the mud off and looks down and his tired eyes fall on a single handle. It's welded into the pad and it looks like it's attached to a door.
"What the hell?" He whispers.
He slowly opens the hatch and looks down inside. It's pure darkness, not a shed of light inside the bunker like area.
"Come on I know I brought a flashlight." He searches through his pockets and pulls out a big one that is supposed to cover 50 feet.


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