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time skip to the end of two months

bumblebees pov:

I was sitting in the med tent quietly awaiting the results from ratchets test. I was excited but also a little sad why..... he walked in holding a data pad "B-127 your all clear to.....leave" I nodded and slowly looked down. I had finally gotten what I wanted hadn't I. to leave this place and start a new life one where I didn't have to be weighed down by my past. so why was it so hard to except it why couldn't I just get off the berth and leave. "is everything alright" ratchet asked me. I just stared blankly at the floor and nodded. I got up and walked out the others had gathered outside waiting for me. "he's all good" ratchet said and I continued to look on without a thought. "that's great news ....so I guess your going to be on your way now right" highfire asked a small bit of sadness in his optics. I didn't want to leave them but I wanted to leave here this place. I wanted to leave here ....right. "yeah I guess" I replied. the others had a sad and happy expression on their faces. 

"so this is good bye then" rainshot commented. the others also said something along the lines. "just remember there will always be a place for you here or with the autobots" Optimus calmly added. I looked at them fondly as we said our goodbyes and walked to the front gait. I paused  looking out onto the open field almost hoping something would stop me. ~its your choice~ I heard the soft carrying voice of the allspark. is this my chance..... to be a autobot to stay here and take the chance of being injured in the ongoing war. the chance that I will have to watch someone else I cared  for be hurt or leave and never see any of them. then the words ring in my head 'take the chance' but not before I already made up my mind. I turned back to my friends, Optimus, ratchet, highfire, rainshot, shocksplit, and cascade. "what are you waiting for is something wrong" cascade asked I shook my helm. 

"i'm going to stay here and join the autobots" they all looked at me stunned then it erupted into excited chattering and cheers. "I knew you wouldn't leave us" highfire said running up and hugging me. "I made that promise some time ago" I whispered as he pulled away so no one else would question it. he gave a fond smile and I was bombarded with happy questions or comments. I answered them to the best of my ability without giving away my secret with the allspark. once it had died down Optimus walked up to me. "now what captain" I had given him a nickname and it seemed like I was the only one he approved of using it. "we get you the insignia if that is what you wish" the autobot insignia that was pretty big. to wear the mark of the good guys. "yes" I replied and he looked on fondly. "I'm glade you will continue to be my apprentice" I smiled back up at him.

~~~~time skip end of day~~~~

bumblebees pov:

it was nearing the end of the day and the news of my switch had made it around the camp and possibly further. when cascade or rainshot had been out on patrols they always told me that each time they went out some random bot had commented on them being the 'neutrals friend' and now it was going to get a hole lot more confusing.  "oh I still can't believe it your an autobot" jazz had practically yelled. "well you better believe it because I am" I replied and he slapped my back making my stumble forward. those wreckers sure are good at making bots stumble. "jazz hows it been" I heard a new bot say. I hadn't seen him around camp he was a big red bot. I cocked my helm to the side looking at highfire who just shrugged. "oh hey your that neutral right" the new bot said looking at me. "yes" I quickly replied then turned to jazz. "oh this is leadfoot he's part of the wreckers his team was out on a mission for a while." jazz finished "its good to meet you my names B-127" I added shaking his hand. 

"and who are you" leadfoot said turning to rainshot, cascade, and highfire. "I'm highfire that's rainshot and the big one is cascade" highfire introduced them in turn. "so your the neutrals friends it good to meet you to" I never realized but the name 'neutral' was actually quite annoying. I rolled my optics at highfire when he said this. he gave a chuckle and looked behind him to see shocksplit walk up. "leadfoot its great to see you man" he said and they locked hands in a sort of bro handshake. "you know him" rainshot asked. "yeah I used to be part of the wreckers before I came here" jazz walked up. "so what have you been up to" jazz asked leadfoot giving a nervous glance to shocksplit. I must have been the only one to see it. "just trying to get some information on megatrons plans but its hard when we don't have any scouts" scouts? but they were the lowest class of autobot. i had joined and become one after we figured out all the details but why a scout. "a scout team why" looked like shocksplit had the same idea as me. 

"their the only ones small or quick enough to get in and out without being noticed" small quick looks like Optimus did make the best decision to put me in the scout position because I was both. mainly small but being fast helped. "well we just got a new scout" ratchet said walking up and waved his servor to me. "wh- I - literally a few hours ago I was about to walk out those gaits" I reply nervously. I was no where near ready to go on a actually mission let alone spy directly on megatron however much I hated him. "just saying" ratchet said sitting down with us. he seemed like he was in a good mood today. "yeah but maybe one day" highfire said mocking me with my own words. "oh come on they were inspiring weren't they" I replied and got up to stand in front of him. I playfully poked him in the side. "right" he looked at me and got a smirk on his face. "yeah for a neutral" he mocked and poked me back. "oh yeah this neutral could kick your aft" I said remembering how easily I pinned him.

"oh can it you got lucky" he said and crossed his arms. "I bet you cant do it again" he challenged me. I was about to leap on him when ratchet stopped us. "if your going to do that then go to the training hall and take you friends with you" I looked at the rest of them who all replied along the lines of. "yeah I want a rematch" or "I want to see this" I smiled and we walked off to the gait. time to kick aft. I said to myself and walked though. ~sweet bee you will go places you never dreamed of~ that sounds nice. I thought and kept walking. this was going to be fun.

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