Felix: The Things You Make Me Feel (ENGLISH)

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Background: You're a JYP trannie that will soon join Stray Kids since JYP thinks it's time to have another member join. Your name is Evelyn, Evie for Felix and Hyunjin.

Evelyn POV:

I was shaking with fear as I waited to be introduced. Of course they thought that I was just a back-up dancer, well, maybe not all of them. "Ladies and gentlmen listen up!" JYP said really loud, knocking me out of my trance. "I would like to introduce a new member to Stray Kids. They are extremely talented and I expect you to treat HER as SHE treats you," he calmly stated. They all looked at me in shock, Lee Know was the first to speak, "We're having a girl join an all-boy group? Oh dear this is gonna be more chaotic." I gave him a pointed look, "Oh really ya think?!" I said sarcastically.


Over the 3 years I have been here, I have only gotten really close with Felix and Hyunjin. Probably because I'm older than Chan. Currently Han and I are making a guide for Chk Chk Boom, one of our new songs in our comeback album. As I listened to him sing the incredibly high notes, I couldn't help but feel worthless. I mean I'm the girl yet the boys are getting all the high notes. As I zoned out, I felt a pair of eyes on me. Turns out Han had secretly left and told Felix to come inside. "Oh, did Han tell you to come in here or something?" I asked. "Yeah, he said that I would comfort you better? What's that all about?" He replied as he sat down next to me. I didn't say anything and looked at the ground, not trusting myself to speak. His fingers gently lifted my head up and he moved my hair out of my eyes, I didn't even know it was there. "You can tell me Evie," He said, using my nickname that made my heart melt. "Well if I'm being honest, I feel worthless. I mean I'm the girl yet you boys are getting all the high notes. I just feel out of place now," I said, my voice cracking slightly at the end. I looked down again as I felt a pair of arms around my torso. I curled up into his arms and I let the tears fall. For a good 10 minutes, I sobbed into Felix's shoulder, hearing sweet nothings from him every so often. I felt myself drift off to sleep, seeing as I woke up at the crack of dawn only to realize that recording wasn't for another 4 hours.

Felix's POV

Evie, Hyunjin, and I have gotten as close as we can, but I have a feeling something is bothering her. I'm not seeing her eat as much, and she hardly shows up for group recordings. Han walked out and told me that Evie needed me for some reason. "Oh, did Han tell you to come in here or something?" She asked. "Yeah, he said that I would comfort you better? What's that all about?" I replied as I sat down next to her. She didn't say anything and looked at the ground. I gently lifted her head up with my fingers and moved the hair out of her ocean eyes. "You can tell me Evie," I said, using her nickname. "Well if I'm being honest, I feel worthless. I mean I'm the girl yet you boys are getting all the high notes. I just feel out of place now," She said, her voice cracking slightly at the end. She looked down again as I wrapped my arms around her torso. She curled up into my arms like a tiny kitten and let the tears fall. For a good 10 minutes, I let her cry, occasionally whispering sweet nothings into her ear every so often while rubbing her back. I felt her body get lighter and that was my cue to take her to her bed. I gently picked her up and made sure it was quiet before heading to her room and placing her down on her bed. She looked so peaceful when she wasn't overworking herself. I gently caressed her cheek, kissing her forehead before I quietly left. I sent a message out to all the members explaining the situation. Chan and Hyunjin were the first to be back. "How it she?" they both asked, very fast might I add. "She's asleep in her room. We need to give her more oppertunities during our songs. It doesn't matter who writes the darn song she needs to have the high notes." I explained calmly before continuing with my current thought, "I think she's also working on her own songs as well so she might be worn out form that." I sighed, not knowing what to do. Hyunjin noticed my lack of enthusiasm and gave me a side hug. I sent him a small smile before heading back into Evie's room with food.

Evie POV:

I woke up when I heard my door open. I slowly sat up, still tired as heck but whatever. "Afternoon sleeping beauty," I heard someone say. I lifted my head to see Felix with food. "Oh, you're one to talk. Now gimme the food!" I exclaimed. "Okay okay coming," he said as he sat next to me. I dug in, saving the chocolate for last. "Thank you," I quietly said to avoid my voice cracking again. I can't have him finding out that I have feelings for him. "Any time Evie," he said as he wrapped his arm around me. I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit but I quickly hid it. "Can we talk about something?" he asked. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "Why do you overwork yourself?" he asked with concern lacing in my voice. I decided to be a little cold in my answer, "To be honest I don't intend to. Sometimes it just happens when I need to get something done and I can't control it." He nodded in agreement. "Did I tell you I majored in psychology in college?" I randomly asked him after a comfortable 10 minutes of silence. "No you did not," he replied. "Well now you know," I said, a little cold. "Did you notice that I love you?" He randomly asked me which caught me off guard. "Nnnnnno. Why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've gotten together," I smirked when I got done speaking. He stared at me with his mouth agape before closing it and abruptly kissing me. I let out a gasp, not expecting his sudden actions. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth in an attempt to make me moan. Which he succeeded. Our lips parted and I was panting. I wasn't expecting my afternoon to go this way but I certainly loved it.

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