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I have always hated the colour red. I don't know why and I have no reason to. One colour I do like is black. When you wore black you can blend in, hide amongst crowds. Black is the shade of anonymity, the cloak of secrecy. In my line of work, where shadows are your only allies black is your closest friend and red only makes an appearance when I want it to.

Tonight, the world is painted in
shades of gray, illuminated by the flickering streetlights. I move silently through the alleys, the hem of my dark cloak brushing against pavement.
Tonight, the world is painted in shades of gray, illuminated by the flickering streetlights. I move silently through the alleys - the hem of my dark cloak brushing against the pavement - following my target who is oblivious to the danger lurking in the darkness.

Every step is calculated, each breath controlled. I can't afford mistakes. My heart beats steadily, a reminder of the danger and the adrenaline that fuels me. As I approach, the sound of my own footsteps is the only thing that tells me I'm alive. It's a necessary reminder in a life where survival is as much about blending in as it is about standing out.

Tonight, the color red will make its appearance, but not in a way anyone would expect and when it does, it will be the last thing my target sees.

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