Why didn't you tell me..?

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⚠️mentions of suicide ⚠️
Charlotte's POV

I turn to head inside, but before i can step foot inside the building, I have Marjorie in my ear about mine and Mia's make out session in the car park five minuites prior. I honestly didn't mind it this time though, becuase it helped me relive the moment i was already missing. I get to the staff room, and place my bag down on the side, before sitting on the table. I start to rummage through it to find the thing I wanted. I then pull out this beautiful blood red ring box, and inside is a beautiful silver ring, with a black rose and a red gem in the center. I know Mia will love it.

I snapped into thought so deeply i didn't realize Sorsha had walked in, until i heard a gasp from the doorway. Shit, she saw it. I rush to put it away, but it was too late. "Is that for... Mia?" she practially shouts. "Yeah, but keep your voice down, I don't need the whole nursery to know!" as I get the ring box out again. "Can I see the ring?" Sorsha hesitantly asks me, but I didn't want anything more than to have a second opinion on it. "Yeah, of course!" and I hand her the ring box. Her face lights up as I watch her open the velvet box. "Charlie, this will be perfect for Mia, she gonna love it" as she places the ring box gently back in my bag. "Thank you Sorscha, I really hope she does" I say as I flash her a smile, before getting up to start my shift.

I get a gut feeling in my stomach whilst i'm walking to the baby room, but i'm convinced it will go away sooner or later. As me, Carly and Sorscha all greet the babies into the room, we're all put into ratio. The day flies by and a couple hours later, it's nearly my lunch break, i still have that feeling In the bottom of my stomach, but I try and get over it thinking about being able to go and text Mia. Carly comes back into the room, and as she walks past me, she says "Char, it's your lunch break" so i settle my babies down with her and Sorscha, and head off to the staff room.

I sit down on the sofa, let out a sigh and immediately pull out my phone. Sure, i do love working in childcare, don't get me wrong, but my god it's tiring sometimes. I unlock my phone, and open messages. "My Mia ❤️🥀" is the pinned contact, as it has been since day one. I click the name, and send her a text, it reads "Hey Mia! I'm on my lunch right now, missing you, can't wait to see you later, love you, forever and always! xx"

I close my phone and place it on the table, getting my lunch out from my bag. As the time passes, still no message back. "That's ok! She's probably just busy" i think to myself, but deep down I'm really worried about her, she usually responds or at least opens it straight away, i hope she's ok...
20 minutes later, she still hasn't replied, and it's 3 minutes until the end of my lunch break. My heart is racing, I hope she's ok. I try to convince myself I'm overreacting, but that doesn't work. 2 minutes left of my lunch break now. I get up, place my phone in my bag and head back to the rooms, not even noticing my eyes were watering until a tear fell down my face. I quickly wipe it away, before putting on a smile and heading back down into the baby room. "Sorscha, you can go on lunch now" I murmur, as the babies are asleep. The gut feeling in my stomach got worse as the day went on, but I chose to ignore it, which got harder and harder throughout the day, until it hits 6pm and all the parents come in to collect their children.

First Luanne's parents, then Micheal's dad, Celia's grandma, then Zavanna's mum, and finally Angel's parents come to collect her. The room is empty, just me, Carly and Sorcha, cleaning the room. Sorscha walks past me to put a toy away, and hands me a note. I open it and it reads "Do we tell Carly about yours and Mia's special date tonight? I really want to see her reaction". As i look up, i see Sorscha, looking directly at me. I give her an approving nod, before she comes over to me.

"Carly, could you go down to Marjorie's office and print off a couple copies of this weeks newsletter for me? Thank you my love" Carly nods at me and happily skips out the room, as I turn to face Sorscha. "So, Charlie? How are you gonna tell her?" She says, and I respond with "honestly I don't know, I'm just gonna go with whatever works i guess!" Trying to seem confident, but that gut feeling is still in the bottom of my stomach, Deep down, I know something's wrong, but I can't put my finger on it. Sorscha smiles at me, and opens her moth to say something, just as Carly walks back in, with the newsletters. "Thanks Carly" I smile at her, and place them down on the side before helping clean the room up to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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