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The bass thumped through the soles of Sakura's feet, vibrating up her legs as she swayed to the relentless beat. She was lost in the music, her body moving instinctively, a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor at the hospital. Tonight, she was just another face in the crowd, letting loose with her best friend, Ino.

"Sakura, you need to loosen up!" Ino shouted over the din, her voice barely cutting through the wall of sound. "You've been cooped up too long, worrying about that boyfriend of yours who's always MIA!"

Sakura laughed, taking another sip of her drink, a potent mix that burned its way down her throat. "I can't help it, Ino. Being a doctor and worrying about Sasuke... it's just my life right now."

Ino rolled her eyes, pulling Sakura closer to the dance floor. "Well, tonight, forget about all that. Just dance, drink, and have fun!"

As they merged into the sea of bodies, Sakura felt a strange sense of liberation. The alcohol was doing its job, blurring the edges of her responsibilities and fears. She closed her eyes, letting the rhythm take over, feeling hands brush against her hips, her back, anonymous touches in the dark.

"See? This is what you needed," Ino yelled, her words slurred slightly as she spun around, her own drink held high.

Sakura nodded, smiling despite herself. It was true; for once, she wasn't thinking about patients or Sasuke's dangerous job. She was just here, in this moment, dancing.

The night wore on, drinks flowing freely, and soon both girls were well beyond tipsy. Sakura found herself laughing more, carefree and unguarded. Around them, the club pulsed with energy, a living, breathing entity that fed off the adrenaline of its patrons.

Hands were everywhere, some welcome, some not so much. Sakura tried to keep a distance, but the crowd pressed in, making it impossible to maintain any personal space. She felt a hand slide down her arm, then another grip her waist firmly.

"Hey, easy," she murmured, turning to see a stranger grinning at her, his breath hot on her cheek.

Before she could react further, someone else pulled him away, a strong arm yanking the man back into the crowd. Sakura blinked, trying to focus through the haze of alcohol. Another figure had taken the stranger's place, this one closer, more familiar somehow.

Strong hands settled on her hips, drawing her in gently but firmly. Sakura gasped, feeling a shiver run down her spine as those hands began to move, tracing patterns on her skin.

"What—" she started to say, but then warm lips brushed against her neck, sending a jolt of electricity through her. She tried to pull back, to see who it was, but the arms around her only tightened.

"Stop," she managed to breathe out, her head spinning from the contact and the alcohol. "I have a boyfriend."

The reply came immediately, a low voice that made her heart skip a beat. "I know."

Sakura froze, her eyes widening as recognition dawned. She turned her head slowly, her vision clearing just enough to make out the sharp features of the man holding her.

"Sasuke?" she whispered, disbelief mingling with the remnants of her drunkenness.

His lips curved into a small smile, the first genuine one she'd seen in months. "Surprised?"

Sakura could only nod, her mind racing to catch up with the reality of his sudden appearance. Here he was, in the flesh, after weeks of silence and worry. Her body responded before her brain could catch up, leaning into him, her hands reaching up to touch his face.

"How... why are you here?" she asked, her voice soft, almost lost in the noise of the club.

Sasuke chuckled, his hands moving subtly, drawing her closer still. "I finished my assignment early. You weren't home. I saw Ino's Instagram story and thought I'd surprise you."

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