CHAPTER 1: A Glimpse of You

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          The way my heart flutters when I see the smile you so effortlessly flash at me is both bewildering and enchanting. I find myself wondering why this sudden surge of emotions at such an uncertain time. It's as if that smile, so simple yet profound, has the power to make my heart skip a beat. I glance at my friends, oblivious to my inner turmoil, and marvel at how this newfound feeling is reminiscent of an old, long-lost affection. I must confess, I'm the kind of person who falls deeply and rarely. I've admired others but seldom allowed anyone to occupy such a special place in my heart. Yet this stranger has managed to do just that, lingering in my thoughts and dreams.

          The more I see him, the more my feelings intensify. We're on the same batch that will be  organizing the college sports event, and every encounter has only strengthened my emotions. I foolishly attempt to avoid him, fearing that my excitement might betray me and make me seem awkward. I hope he doesn't see me as merely the girl who bravely caught a frog—an event I find both embarrassing and endearing.

          Time flies, and my internal chaos grows. Each glimpse of him sends my heart racing, despite my attempts to brush it off as a fleeting infatuation. His laughter and the way his eyes sparkle when he engages with others are etched in my memory, like a favorite song on repeat.

         Amidst the hustle of event preparations, I catch myself observing him from afar, enchanted by his dedication and effortless charm. I wonder if he notices me or if I am just another face in the crowd. I tell myself it doesn't matter, but deep down, I wish for some sign that he might feel the same way.

         During a break, I find myself standing a few feet away from him, pretending to be preoccupied with something to avoid appearing too obvious. When our eyes meet briefly, my heart skips a beat, and I quickly look away, feeling my cheeks flush with heat.

           As we was about to finish preparing the event, I overhear him talking with a friend. The sound of his voice, filled with enthusiasm, makes me realize how much I will miss seeing him. The thought of encountering him rarely again fills me with an unexpected ache.

           The depth of my feelings for him feels almost beyond a simple crush. I am an art student while he is a sports student, and our worlds are as distant as our classes. Yet, the rarity of our meetings only makes them more significant.

            How do I describe him? He embodies effortless charm with a smile that can brighten even the dullest days. His dark, slightly unruly hair complements his carefree nature, while his sharp, curious eyes reflect a mind engaged with the world. His easy confidence and practical style, whether in a well-worn t-shirt or that trek short, reveal a readiness for adventure and a thoughtful side in quieter moments.

            He makes everything seem effortless and brings people together with his vibrant energy. Despite his extroverted tendencies, he has a reflective depth that contrasts with his usual easy-going demeanor. He's the type who makes everyone feel included and lightens the mood.

            This is how I see him: as someone who fits my ideal of what I want. His mere presence brightens my day. Is this love? Or merely lust? At 20, without any relationship experience since birth, I'm unsure. But his impact on me is undeniable.

             Walking down the stairs, my thoughts spiral between anticipation and dread. I imagine scenarios where our paths cross—perhaps our hands brush or he smiles in my direction. It's a testament to my delusional fantasies, but harmless, right? No one reads minds, and even if they did, who would care about the musings of a girl with a silly crush?

            As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I'm jolted back to reality by a tug on my backpack. My heart skips a beat, hoping it's him. It isn't. Instead, it's Lea, my best friend, Laurance Anna Lens, from my art course. We've been close since our foundation year.

           "Hey, space cadet, where's your head at? You almost walked right past me!" she teases. I laugh, trying to play it cool. "Oh, just thinking about the sports event," I lie, hoping she won't pry. Lea has a knack for reading me like a book, and I don't want her to catch on to my secret.

          "Uh-huh," she says, clearly unconvinced. "Anyway, speaking of the event, did you hear? We're setting up tents later, and all the teams will be there, including..." She pauses for dramatic effect. "...your favorite sports class people." My heart flips. "Cool," I say, trying to sound casual, though my pulse quickens. Lea raises an eyebrow. "Cool? That's it? No witty comment or sarcastic remark?" I shrug. "Just focused, that's all."

          "Focused, huh? We'll see how focused you are when he shows up," she teases, nudging me playfully. I mutter, "Whatever," feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

           As we head to the field, my mind wanders back to the possibility of seeing him again. Maybe this time, I'll actually say something instead of just observing from afar. We arrive at the field, and the buzz of energy is palpable. I scan the room and spot him—across the field, animatedly talking with friends. He exudes ease and confidence, and I feel that familiar flutter in my chest. I try to focus on other tasks—the banners, the equipment—but my gaze keeps drifting back to him.

          "Snap out of it," I whisper to myself, but it's no use. Just as I'm about to turn away, our eyes meet. For a brief moment, everything seems to slow down. He smiles—a small, almost shy smile that sends my heart racing. I quickly look away, pretending to be absorbed in the stack of papers in my hands. Lea notices, of course. "You know, if you keep avoiding him like that, he's never going to know you exist."

I sigh. "It's not that simple, Lea."

"Sure, it is. You're just overthinking it, as usual."

          Maybe she's right. Maybe I am overthinking it. But every time I see him, my thoughts become a jumble of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'. The rest of the practice session is a blur of activity. I try to stay busy, but I can't help stealing glances at him, wondering if he's doing the same.

          As my classmates carry the tents, I linger, not helping as I should. One final glance at him—he's so focused and admirable. My heart pounds as I remind myself to stay calm.

"Hey," a voice says, stopping in front of me. It's my friend, sounding annoyed.

"WHAT?" I reply, startled.

"I noticed you were pretty focused on something else today," he says one of the guy from my class, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

          I laugh nervously. "Yeah, I guess I was just... busy." I look away. "Busy, huh?" he says. "Well, yeah, busy looking elsewhere rather than helping!" I'm annoyed but know he's right. "Fine," I reply and go to help the others. But before I do, I give one more glance at him before diving back into work. 

'Maybe one day I have this bravery to talk or just greet him one day!'


Well this is it for the beginning! I hope you guys enjoy it! It just my first writing so yeah! Hopefully everyone love it!

~Love from the Author

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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