Ch. 16: Camp Chaos Part 2

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After a long walk, the two drones arrived at a building near the camp.

"Doll, stand back." Uzi said, pulling out her rocket launcher and aiming at the door.

"Ты действительно должен это делать? (Do you really have to do that?)" Doll asked.

"Why not?" Uzi asked as she fires a rocket.

The door was blasted open and the two walked inside. Needing light, Doll used her Solver to hold up a flashlight for them.

"Alright. Let's see if we can find anything here." Uzi said, looking around.

For the next several minutes, the two of them searched every nook and cranny in the place but didn't find anything useful.

"I'm not seeing anything here." Uzi said, turning back to Doll. "You got something yet, Doll?"

"Нет, но, возможно, нам нужно мыслить нестандартно. (No, but perhaps we need to think outside of the box.)" Doll said as she shined the flashlight on the floor. "Как настенный или напольный сейф. (Like a wall or floor safe.)"

"A floor safe, huh?" Uzi asked before looking at the floor too.

Holding her hand out, Uzi summoned her own AbsoluteSolver and ripped the floorboards up. To their luck, it was a type of floor safe but it seemed more like a small panic room.

"Well, looks like we found something. Doll, give me some light." Uzi said to her.

Doll nodded as she used her powers to turn the flashlight into a larger, spotlight like on a stage. She used it to illuminate what was under the floorboards.

There were various papers, almost exactly like the ones from Uzi's home, and a dead work drone body.

"Is this it?" Uzi asked, using her Solver to pull some papers into her hand to try and read.

Until she saw there was a bug, a roboroach, that crawled up her hand.

"Ошибка? (A bug?) Doll asked.

"Yeah, seems like he's the only one here." Uzi said, moving her hand around as the bug crawled over. "Seems like a friendly guy.

Suddenly, the bug scanned them both before stopping at Uzi's choker.

It suddenly beeped and produced a hologram screen, showing various and old messages from years ago.

"What the hell is-"

They then heard the sound of something being knocked over. Doll moved the light to see if it was something.

"Мы не одиноки. (We are not alone.)" Doll said, summoning her katana.

Sensing danger, the bug scurried into Uzi's beanie as she pulled out her guns. The two drones nodded and started to head towards the sound.

"I swear, if this is just V messing with us, I'm shooting her." Uzi said.

"Вообще-то, я бы предпочел, чтобы ты не был. Она моя, чтобы убить. (I would actually prefer you not. She is mine to kill.)" Doll said quickly, ready to draw her blade.

"No promises." Uzi said back.

The two stopped at a corner and Uzi nodded, before jumping out and pointing her guns at... nothing. She was confused by this as it didn't make sense.

"There's... no one here." She said, before noticing that there was broken glass on the floor... far away from any glass nearby, "But someone was... Doll, you keep looking around, I'll go check outside and see if someone was here."

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