𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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"Lys we're here!" My mom yelled into the open window beside me to wake me up, which unfortunatly did. I rubbed my eyes and sat up properly, then looked around. We were in front of a hotel which looked all to familiar but I just couldn't figure it out. I got out of the car and walked around to the back where my mom was helping my dad with all the luggage.

"Where are we?"

"Sommerville Massachusets baby!" My dad said proudly closing the trunk. I felt my heart drop and my blood run cold. We were in Sommerville? I plastered a grin on my face and nodded not wanting them to sense the absolute dread I was feeling. My mom passed me my suitcase and we walked into the hotel. The place was massive and beautiful to say the least. I had never been inside but I had walked and drove past this place many many times. As I walked around the lobby my parents checked in then walked up to me.

"Here's your key" My mum said handing me a key. I nodded in a thanks and we headed up. My parents's room was 5 door down from mine which was nice. I pressed the keycard to the scanner and opened the door. It was pretty big, there was a massive bed, a tv and a small balcony giving a view of the busy streets below. 

I set my luggage down and sat down on the bed. I felt like I could almost melt into it it was really really nice.

On to more important stuff valentines day was in 3 days and my mom's birthday was 2 days after that so I was going to have to get her something. I decided that now would probably be a good time to go since my parents probably haven't made any plans so soon. I grabbed a small shoulder bag I brang and headed out. I texted my parents telling them I was going on a walk since I had slept all through the journey.

I left the hotel and turned to walk down the busy street. I pretty much knew these streets like the back of my hand. All the countless times I walked here with friends, often to go shopping

Or with a certain person for amazing date nights

I looked through the shop windows to see if anything caught my eye and saw a cute bag on showcase. Me and my mom loved bags, she more then me, she even had a small collection of vintage ones. Big and small brands. I walked in and found the bag. It was the perfect size my mom would love it! I looked at the other options and ended up just going for that one. It was perfect but I thought that I might as well get some other things. I left and continued my walk focusing my mind on my mom. The light in my life.

I got her some makeup, a hat and some of her favourite chocolates then crossed the road and headed down the street. I walked past a flower shop which I planned to stop by closer to her birthday to get her some flowers and the clouds started to cover the sun. I was pretty much done my birthday shopping mission but I thought that I might as well walk around a little more before heading back. As I took every step I felt the memories flood my mind. It felt nice sort off. I couldn't lie I was extremly happy to be back it was a nice suprise. 

Eventually I returned to my hotel room and texted my parents that I was back. I got into my room and sat down on the bed staring out of the glass door at the sky. I grabbed the tv remote off the nightstand and turned on the tv. I scrolled through some of the available channels. After realising there was nothing interesting I turned it off and grabbed my laptop from my suitcase. I went onto youtube and scrolled through.

Wow everythings boring today

I mindlessly clicked on the trending page to see some videos, hoping to see one of mine but instead I was met by 3 faces.

The fucking triplets were trending at 18th place

It was like I couldn't get away from them. Like they were just plastered all around me, right in my face so that way I couldn't forget. I groaned and pushed my face into a pillow, took a moment to just breath then looked back on the screen and clicked on the video. Not to watch or anything just to see what people were saying

Most people were quoting parts of the video or saying how much they loved and appreciated the triplets which I liked. That's absolutly okay, whatever isnt about me. But of course it didn't take long to see a couple people saying we should collab. I wonder what the triplets response would be. Would they want to do a collab? I mean Matt definetly wouldn't and if he's not then the others aren't either.

I clicked off the video and went onto netflix instead and put on the first movie I saw. It was pretty intresting, probably would've been alot better if I could actually focus on it.

Come on Lys this is getting childish

I pulled the laptop closer to me and turned the volume up to hopefully drown out all the thoughts.

Short lived chapters I know it'll get really good just give it a second <3



ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 {Matt.S}Where stories live. Discover now